
Morning Digest: Iran vows to defend Iraq Shi'ite sites; insurgents battle for refinery

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Iran vows to defend Iraq Shi'ite sites; insurgents battle for refinery
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iran's president vowed on Wednesday to defend Shi'ite holy sites in Iraq, where Sunni militants battled their way into the biggest oil refinery in what is rapidly turning into a sectarian war across the frontiers of the Middle East..
U.S. captures suspected ringleader of 2012 attack in Benghazi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States said on Tuesday it had captured a suspected ringleader of the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans including the U.S. ambassador and ignited a political firestorm in Washington..
Dollar holds firm as markets sniff risks of Fed hawkishness
LONDON (Reuters) - The dollar held firm on Wednesday after a surprisingly high reading for U.S. inflation raised expectations that Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen could strike a more hawkish tone on the monetary policy outlook..
Prosecutors drop domestic spat case against Paul Simon, wife
MILFORD Conn. (Reuters) - Prosecutors have decided not to go forward with disorderly conduct charges against Grammy Award-winning musicians Paul Simon and Edie Brickell after the couple had a shoving match in April at their Connecticut home, a court clerk said on Tuesday..
Ochoa hero, Akinfeev villain in World Cup draws
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Mexico goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa produced a heroic performance in a 0-0 draw with Brazil and his Russian counterpart Igor Akinfeev was the villain in a 1-1 draw with South Korea as the World Cup produced more drama on Tuesday..
Irish judge rejects demand for probe into Facebook cooperation with NSA
DUBLIN (Reuters) - An Irish judge on Wednesday rejected an attempt by campaigners to force an investigation into Facebook's alleged sharing of data from EU users with the U.S. National Security Agency..
Warm blooded or cold? Dinosaurs were somewhere in between
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The hot question of whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded like birds and mammals or cold blooded like reptiles, fish and amphibians finally has a good answer..
California mayor lambasted for dog poop incident resigns: media
Reuters - The mayor of the wealthy Southern California city of San Marino, who has been dogged by security camera images purporting to show him toss a bag of canine feces on to his neighbor's property, has resigned, media reported..
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