
Tuesday Morning Briefing: The trouble with winning in Mosul

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U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have extolled their success in securing 20 villages on the outskirts of Mosul in the first 24 hours of an operation to retake Islamic State's last major stronghold in Iraq. But beyond the battlefield, a serious problem is emerging: How will the volatile region be governed if Iraqi forces successfully flush out Islamic State?

Some of the richest Republican donors in the United States are presenting a united front: They hate Donald Trump. Some of them may even consider voting for Hillary Clinton, just to keep him out of the White House (but not on the record). Others are considering Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, while still others are thinking about not even voting in the presidential election and focusing on congressional races (see also: Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan).

Digits of the day:

20 percent

Netflix blew away third quarter subscription growth expectations, sending shares up 20 percent last night. New shows such as "Stranger Things" drew new international viewers, a major growth engine for the company. And U.S. customers stayed on board even after it raised prices.

Poppies! Poppies! Poppies!

The poppy sculpture 'Weeping Window', a cascade of thousands of handmade ceramic poppies by artist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper is on display at Caernarfon Castle, Wales, Oct. 17, 2016. REUTERS/Rebecca Naden

Around the country

  • When Bill Clinton called parts of Obamacare "crazy," he certainly didn't do his wife any favors. But he wasn't necessarily wrong. After six years, billions of dollars and a sweeping reform that stands as Obama's single biggest domestic policy achievement, health care is still unaffordable for many Americans.
  • Republican candidates have tied themselves in knots trying to decide whether or not to back Donald Trump. Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who is in a virtual tie with his Democratic challenger in a race that could tip control of the Senate, has chosen a third option: Say nothing.
  • The Sacramento area could reap 20,000 jobs and generate $4.2 billion in business if it becomes a hub for a legalized marijuana industry, according to study commissioned by, well, a cannabis investment company. California votes on Nov. 8 whether to allow recreational use of the drug.

Around the world

  • Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte's combative stance with the United States is playing well with his supporters. But Americans living in the country are terrified.

Quote of the day

"The biggest fear is that one day he's going to wake up and say 'everybody from the U.S., get out of town' and we'd have to leave our loved ones behind," said Jack Walker, a retired Marine sergeant who has lived in the Philippines for five years.

  • The Pentagon isn't confirming whether a U.S. warship was attacked again in Yemen over the weekend. Originally, the Navy said the USS Mason guided-missile destroyer was targeted by multiple missiles, which would be significant considering the United States already launched strikes in retaliation for attacks from Iran-backed Houthis last week.
  • It was Ecuador that cut off WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's Internet access, not the United States or Britain, neither of whom are big WikiLeaks fans. Ecuador cut him off shortly after the organization published speeches Hillary Clinton delivered to Goldman Sachs. Ecuador granted Assange asylum after a British court ordered him extradited to Sweden to face questioning in a sexual molestation case involving two female WikiLeaks supporters. 


Around Wall Street

  • Unicorns live in Texas. At least one does. In the oil market. And it's getting ready for a rare IPO. Meet Double Eagle Energy.
  • U.S. workers are returning to the labor force in unexpected numbers and more readily landing jobs. That subtle but surprising shift has stoked fresh debate within the Federal Reserve over whether to raise rates and risk slowing a process that is creating more jobs for lower income people.
  • Samsung plans to compensate component suppliers for the discontinued Galaxy Note 7 smartphones and consider giving them orders for other models to cushion the blow. The world's top smartphone maker said it would fully pay for unused Note 7 parts that have already been manufactured, compensate suppliers for unfinished components and pay for materials bought to make Note 7 parts.

Today's reason to live

Morphine – Cure For Pain

