
Reuters Technology Report: December 7, 2016

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
SoftBank's Son pledges $50 billion, Foxconn eyes U.S. expansion as Trump woos Asian firms
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two of Asia's biggest technology companies said they were looking to expand investment in the United States, as President-elect Donald Trump pushes to bring manufacturing and jobs back home.
From smart toothbrushes to cancer, Philips bets big on software
LONDON (Reuters) - These days the average researcher at Philips is more likely to be a software developer than an product engineer, reflecting a transformation at the former Dutch conglomerate that its chief executive says will gather pace.
S&T CEO says full takeover by Foxconn possible: magazine
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Taiwan's Foxconn, the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer, could take over Austrian IT group S&T AG, S&T's chief executive told a German magazine.
U.S. Supreme Court backs Samsung in smartphone fight with Apple
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with Samsung in its big-money smartphone patent fight with Apple, throwing out an appeals court ruling that the South Korean company had to pay a $399 million penalty to its American rival for copying key iPhone designs.
Apple says iPhone 6 battery fires in China likely caused by external factors
BEIJING (Reuters) - Apple Inc said external factors were the likely cause of iPhone 6 battery fires detailed in a Chinese consumer protection report that featured widely in state media earlier this week and created a buzz on social media.
Discounts, advertising spur brisk Apple Watch sales
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Watch sales appear to have rebounded for the holidays from mid-year doldrums on a redesign, price cuts and strong promotions, but analysts say long-term demand has yet to be proven.
Sony to release as many as six mobile phone games next year
TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp will release as many as six smartphone games in the financial year starting April in the hope of replicating with its own gaming franchises the success of console rival Nintendo Co's Pokemon GO.
New Zealand passport robot tells applicant of Asian descent to open eyes
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A New Zealand man of Asian descent had his passport photograph rejected when facial recognition software mistakenly registered his eyes as being closed.
Cab-hailing company Careem launches women drivers in conservative Pakistan
KARACHI/LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - Taxi-hailing service Careem introduced women drivers in Pakistan on Wednesday, a rare initiative in a deeply conservative Muslim country where women account for only 22 percent of the workforce.
London tech leaders propose post-Brexit plan to British government
LONDON (Reuters) - London's standing as Europe's leading destination for tech start-ups is at risk if the British government does not clarify how it plans to keep the best technical talent, entrepreneurs and investors have warned.
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