
Friday Morning Briefing: Trump's Mexican wall just got $9.6 billion more expensive

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In a shift, President Donald Trump agreed to honor the “one China” policy during a phone call with China’s leader Xi Jinping. Trump angered Bejing in December by talking to the president of Taiwan and saying that the United States did not have to stick to the policy. The conversation comes after diplomatic sources in Bejing said China had been nervous about Xi being humiliated in the event that a call with Trump went wrong.

Thursday evening, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reinstate Trump’s executive order temporarily banning people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. The three-judge panel unanimously ruled that the Trump administration failed to offer any evidence that national security concerns justified immediately restoring the order.

Trump responded on Twitter:




And it isn’t over. The White House has 14 days to ask the 9th Circuit to have a larger panel of judges review the decision "en banc," or appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

More from Washington:

Trump vows 'phenomenal' tax announcement, offers no details
Senate votes to confirm Representative Tom Price as health secretary
Japan’s love of tiny cars a sore spot as Trump, Abe meet


Around the world

Hats off! So I can eat it.

A model dressed in an outfit made with chocolate presents a creation at the "Le Salon du Chocolat - Chocoladesalon" chocolate fair, in Brussels, Belgium, February 9, 2017. REUTERS/Yves Herman


  • Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied to swear allegiance to the clerical establishment following Trump’s warning that he had put the country “on notice.” The crowds chanted “Death to America,” and some carried pictures of Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British Prime Minister Theresa May captioned “Death to the Devil Triangle.”
  • Russian air strikes that accidentally killed three Turkish soldiers in Syria were launched based on coordinates provided to Russia by the Turkish military, a Kremlin spokesman said. The Turkish military has said the "friendly fire" incident occurred during an operation against Islamic State, highlighting the risk of unintended clashes between outside powers in the complex fight.
  • A U.S. Navy P-3 plane and a Chinese military aircraft came close to each other over the South China Sea in an incident the Navy believes was inadvertent, a U.S. official told Reuters. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the aircraft came within 1,000 feet (305 meters) of each other on Wednesday in the vicinity of the Scarborough Shoal, between the Philippines and the Chinese mainland. 

Around the country


Digits of the day:

$21.6 billion


That’s how much an internal Department of Homeland Security report says Trump’s “wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border would cost. The report’s estimated price tag is much higher than a $12 billion figure cited by Trump during his campaign and $15 billion from top Republican leaders in Congress. 

Meanwhile, protests broke out in Phoenix after an Arizona mother of two who lived in the United States for more than 20 years was deported to Mexico. Her attorney and family said Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, 36, has become one of the first to be swept up in the Trump administration's crackdown on illegal immigrants in the United States.

Quote of the day

“What have we come to as a society when we allow our government to rip a mother away from her two children?”

- Attorney Ray Ybarra-Maldonado said at a news conference outside a Phoenix Immigration and Customs Enforcement office


Around Wall Street


  • Trading volumes at China's three largest bitcoin exchanges have plummeted after the central bank put the virtual currency market under sharper scrutiny a month ago in a move that coincided with official efforts to stem capital outflows.
  • Oil prices rose more than 1 percent on Friday after the International Energy Agency reported a record 90 percent compliance by OPEC members implementing last year's landmark deal to curb output in an effort to prop up global oil prices.
  • Millennial Americans are showing less interest in buying lotto tickets than their parents, which spells trouble for the $80 billion industry. 

Today’s reason to live
The Strokes – Trying Your Luck

