
Wednesday Morning Briefing: Dreamer or gang member?

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It would seem that Daniel Ramirez Medina is a textbook "dreamer" – a 23-year-old man who came to this country as child and received a work permit under the Obama administration. But Immigration and Customs Enforcement calls him a "self-admitted gang member," an accusation Ramirez "unequivocally denies." His arrest could make him the first person covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to be detained under the Trump administration's crackdown on illegal immigrants.

President Donald Trump had known since late January that national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled the administration about his contacts with Russia but did not immediately force him out, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said. Trump learned that Flynn did not tell Vice President Mike Pence the whole truth about conversations he had with Russia's ambassador to the United States before Trump took office. No one came clean with Pence until late last week.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin dismissed a New York Times story reporting Trump's campaign had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election. "It is a newspaper report which is not based on any facts," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Around the world

  • Trump expects Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine, Spicer said. No, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
  • Malaysian police detained a woman holding Vietnam travel papers and are looking for a "few" other foreign suspects in connection with the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's estranged half-brother, Kim Jong Nam. South Korea's spy agency believes he was poisoned. Kim had been at Kuala Lumpur International Airport awaiting a flight to Macau when someone grabbed or held his face from behind, after which he felt dizzy and sought help, Malaysian police official Fadzil Ahmat said.
  • Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet for the first time today with European counterparts who will try to persuade the Trump administration 1) that NATO is not weak, and  2) to back the alliance fully. During the campaign, Trump called NATO "obsolete." And he still says these allies haven't paid their fair share of defense spending.

Around Wall Street

  • World stocks hit 21-month peaks, and the dollar rose for the 11th straight day after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen flagged a possible interest rate rise next month during upbeat comments on the U.S. economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Average set a new record yesterday, rising 92 points to 20,504. The dollar index has jumped 2.2 percent since Feb. 2.
  • General Motors Chief Executive Mary Barra’s decision to put the company’s European operations on the block shows the company that once prided itself on being the worlds’ No. 1 automaker is now focusing on profitability instead of sales volume.
  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway quadrupled its stake in Apple and increased its holdings in the four biggest U.S. airlines sevenfold in the fourth quarter.

Around the country

  • Trump is scheduled to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, their first meeting since the inauguration and one that promises to shape the contours of Middle East policy. They are expected to discuss the Syrian civil war, the Iran nuclear deal, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, settlements in the West Bank and the two-state solution. Not exactly a light agenda.
  • Residents who were ordered to evacuate due to a threat from Oroville Dam in northern California can return home after state crews working around the clock reinforced a drainage channel that was weakened by heavy rain.

I Heard A Rumor

REUTERS/Stephanie Keith


Digits of the day:


Rumor, a German shepherd, was named best in show at the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York, besting more than 2,800 other contestants. This marks the second time a German shepherd has won the top prize at the show. The first time was 30 years ago.

Today's reason to live

Randy Newman – The World Isn't Fair



