
Monday Morning Briefing

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Diplomacy & Trade


U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, a former oil executive with no formal diplomatic experience, will be charged with avoiding a major U.S. confrontation with Russia while exacting some concessions from Moscow this week. The Kremlin noted that Tillerson would not be meeting with Putin himself, but that he would meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The fact that Russia didn’t cancel the meeting following its condemnation of U.S. airstrikes in Syria, one senior official said, signals that Russia hasn’t ruled out dealing with the United States on Syria.

China will offer the Trump administration better market access for financial sector investments and U.S. beef exports to help avert a trade war, the Financial Times reported on Sunday, citing officials familiar with the matter.

U.S. President Donald Trump is considering an executive order to launch a trade investigation that could lead to supplemental duties in certain product categories. If issued, the investigation would seek to determine whether U.S. trade deficits for those product lines are the result of dumping of imported products below cost and unfair subsidies by foreign governments, an official said late on Sunday.

Beijing is stepping up a campaign against foreign espionage, offering rewards ranging from $1,500 to $73,000 to citizens who blow the whistle on suspected spies, state media said.


Forty-four people were killed in twin church bombings in Egypt on Sunday. Egyptian Christians wept with rage as they recovered the bodies of loved ones, furious at a state they believe will no longer protect them. “Where were you when all this happened?" one woman shouted at security forces preventing loved ones from entering a morgue. 

Sergio Garcia of Spain is presented the green jacket by last year's champion, Danny Willett of England, after Garcia won the 2017 Masters golf tournament in a playoff at Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta. REUTERS/Brian Snyder



Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has touched a raw nerve in France by denying the French state's responsibility for a mass arrest of Jews in Paris during World War Two. "I think France isn't responsible for the Vel d'Hiv," Le Pen said in a French media interview on Sunday, referring to the July 16, 1942 German-ordered roundup by French police of 13,000 Jews in Paris.

North Korea

Exclusive: How a Malaysian firm helped fund North Korea’s leadership.

China and South Korea agreed to slap tougher sanctions on North Korea if it carries out nuclear or long-range missile tests. 


Barclays has reprimanded Chief Executive Jes Staley and will cut his bonus for attempting to uncover a whistleblower's identity, dealing a blow to a man who has been in the role little over 15 months.

The shale oil boom has transformed the U.S. and global energy sector to such an extent that it has upended traditional supply dynamics and made forecasts far more polarized. Investment banks have warned that huge spending cuts caused by a plunge in oil prices since 2014 would lead to a supply crunch in the next two years. Yet Goldman Sachs, the only bank to make more than $1 billion a year from commodities trading, believes a looming recovery in U.S. output on the back of higher oil prices combined with an avalanche of new conventional projects will create a substantial surplus by 2019.

A dwindling community of IT veterans specialize in a vintage programming language called COBOL. The financial sector, major corporations and parts of the federal government still largely rely on the language because it underpins powerful systems that were built in the 70s or 80s and never fully replaced. Therein lies the problem: if something goes wrong, few people know how to fix it.

Fox News parent Twenty-First Century Fox Inc said on Sunday it will investigate a sexual harassment claim against TV anchor Bill O'Reilly, who has seen several companies pull their ads from his top-rated news show in the past week.

