
Monday Morning Briefing

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French elections


Global markets reacted with relief to Sunday's French election results, which show centrist Emmanuel Macron beating far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in an upcoming run-off. Though Macron, 39, is a comparative political novice who has never held elected office, new opinion polls on Sunday saw him easily winning the final clash against the 48-year-old Le Pen.


Europe’s populist wave stalls
Gallery: Le Pen and Macron head to a run off


U.S. President Donald Trump will sign new executive orders before he completes his first 100 days in office this week. On Wednesday, he’s expected to sign an executive order related to the 1906 Antiquities Act, which enables the president to designate federal areas of land and water as national monuments to protect them from drilling, mining and development, a source said. On Friday, he’s expected to sign an order to review areas available for offshore oil and gas exploration, as well as rules governing offshore drilling.

Congress returns to work today with a deadline looming to avert a U.S. government shutdown this week. President Trump will lean on Democrats to include funding for his promised border wall with Mexico in spending legislation.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce chief says he expects a basic NAFTA deal by mid-2018.

Commentary: Should the State department be singing a line from Hamilton?

Racka sheep are seen during celebrations for the start of the new grazing season in the Great Hungarian Plain in Hortobagy, Hungary, April 22, 2017. REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh


As Tesla races to complete a self-imposed September deadline for its Model 3 orders, it’s choosing to skip a key “beta” production test, ordering permanent equipment instead of cheap materials that would help ensure the company delivers doors that fit, body panels with the right shape and dashboards that don't have gaps or seams.

North Korea

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for all sides to exercise restraint in a telephone call about North Korea with President Trump, as Japan conducted exercises with a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group headed for Korean waters.

North Korea detained a U.S. citizen on Saturday as he attempted to leave the country, bringing the total number of Americans held by the isolated country to three.

Colas, cigarettes: North Korean airline diversifies as sanctions threats mount


Twenty-nine Chinese steel firms have had their licenses revoked as Beijing kept up its campaign to tackle overcapacity in the sector and days after U.S. President Donald Trump said he would open a probe into cheap steel exports from China and elsewhere.


Arkansas plans to execute two inmates tonight, which would make it the first U.S. state in 17 years to put a pair of convicts to death on the same day.


Afghanistan's defense minister and army chief of staff resigned after the deadliest ever Taliban attack on a military base in which more than 140 Afghan soldiers were killed, threatening to overshadow a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis as Washington looks to craft a new strategy for the country.

