
Tuesday Morning Briefing: America's brick-by-brick hardening towards Russia


The United States is expelling 60 Russian diplomats, joining governments across Europe in punishing the Kremlin for a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Britain. America’s most sweeping expulsion of Russian diplomats since the Cold War may have seemed like a dramatic escalation in Washington’s response to Moscow, but the groundwork for a more confrontational U.S. posture had been taking shape for months — in plain sight.

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg will not answer questions from British lawmakers over the misuse of users’ data as the company faces further pressure on both sides of the Atlantic. In the latest development, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie said that Canadian company AggregateIQ worked on software called Ripon which was used to identify Republican voters ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

GlaxoSmithKline is buying Novartis out of their consumer healthcare joint venture for $13 billion, taking full control of products including Sensodyne toothpaste, Panadol headache tablets, muscle gel Voltaren, and Nicotinell patches.


Dozens of Chinese naval vessels are exercising this week with an aircraft carrier in a large show of force off Hainan island in the South China Sea, satellite images obtained by Reuters show. The photos, taken yesterday show what some analysts described as an unusually large display of the Chinese military’s growing naval might.

Commentary: South Africa’s Ramaphosa now must deal with the Zuma faction’s last-gasp dose of venom, injected at the 2017 party conference that ended Zuma’s reign. The poison pill: engineering a momentous policy change that committed the ANC to land expropriation without compensation. Can Ramaphosa find a way to dilute his party's commitment to the policy, asks William Saunderson-Meyer.

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Most of the staff ran away and left children to their fate' - #Putin, at fatal mall fire scene, pledges action as anger mounts https://reut.rs/2GgIEJ4 via @Reuters with reporting from @polina__ivanova #Russia #Kemerovo

11:18 AM - MAR 27, 2018


Beijing shrouded in security, speculation over mystery #NorthKorea guest https://reut.rs/2GgIodd

11:54 AM - MAR 27, 2018

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