
Tuesday Morning Briefing: Pompeo's in, Tillerson's out


Soon after Vladimir Putin is re-elected on Sunday, his thoughts will turn to the question that is likely to dominate his next term as Russia’s president: what will he do when it ends?

However, with his political mandate lasting until 2024 a more pressing deadline lies on the horizon: he has until midnight to explain to Britain how a nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union was used to strike down a former Russian double agent who passed secrets to British intelligence.

Meanwhile across the pond, House Intelligence Committee Republicans said the panel had finished investigating Russia and the 2016 election, and found no collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow’s efforts to influence the vote. The investigation is one of three main congressional probes, and has been marred for months by partisan wrangling.

Trump said he had replaced U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo, and had tapped Gina Haspel to lead the CIA.

A makeshift memorial made up of 7,000 pairs of shoes will take shape on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol today, as gun control activists dramatize the number of children killed in the United States by gunfire since the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre.


Sick and injured civilians were shown on Syrian state television leaving a besieged rebel enclave in eastern Ghouta today in what insurgents and the United Nations said was a medical evacuation.

When temperatures rise and winds drop in the coming weeks, a band of explorers will hunt for copper riches in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert. Rising global demand for a metal used in electric cars and renewable energy, at a time of increased costs and depleted deposits in the world’s biggest copper producer Chile, is driving miners to riskier locations.

Commentary: There are "viable steps" Europe can take to save the Iran nuclear deal, write Dalia Dassa Kaye and James Dobbins. These include side agreements on missile development, inspections and sunset clauses that would keep the accord alive even if the United States withdrew.


The Chinese foreign ministry responds to our story on a paring back of "16+1" summits with eastern Europe http://reut.rs/2pckjwH

10:29 AM - MAR 13, 2018


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