
Tuesday Morning Briefing: Texas' tent city for immigrant children


The Trump administration defended its hardline immigration policy at the U.S.-Mexico border as furor grew over the separation of immigrant parents and children, including video of youngsters sitting in concrete-floored cages.

Reuters Pictures collates images of a tent city next to the Mexican border in Tornillo, Texas, where immigrant children are being kept - many of whom have been separated from their parents under the new "zero tolerance" policy.

Commentary: Newborns withdrawing from opioids are hard to care for and they are often separated from mothers who battle their own addiction. Alison Volpe Holmes, a doctor in a hospital nursery in the heart of the U.S. opioid epidemic, writes about the research and policy – now missing – that could actually help these children.

Trump threatened to impose a 10 percent tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods and Beijing warned it would retaliate, in a rapid escalation of the trade conflict between the world’s two biggest economies.


Big concern on what steel tariffs in U.S. will mean for crude price: "There's lots of concern that the increased cost in pipe will increase the costs for our oil" - @SenatorHeitkamp http://reut.rs/2JZtoW7

10:42 AM - June 19, 2018


On June 24, when Saudi women are allowed to drive for the first time, Amira Abdulgader wants to be sitting at the wheel beside her mother. Abdulgader is one of about 200 women at the state oil firm Aramco taking advantage of a company offer to teach female employees and their families at its driving academy in Dhahran to support the social revolution sweeping the kingdom.

Traditionally the stage on which the biggest teams parade their talents, this year’s World Cup has seen the Goliaths of international soccer stumble when faced with industrious opponents of a lesser stature. See more World Cup coverage.

A police witness in the case against two Reuters reporters accused of possessing state secrets in Myanmar is “unreliable,” the reporters’ lawyer said yesterday, because he obtained testimony from previous witnesses, in violation of police code. Read the latest updates on the case here.

Sponsored by Barclays: Job security in the robot economy As machine learning and AI become more commercially viable, will humans be replaced in the workplace? We don’t think so. Find out why.


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