
Special Report: Abandoned Russian base holds secrets of retreat in Ukraine

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

by Linda Noakes


Here's what you need to know.

A stark message for North Korea, midterm worries for Biden, and an uphill battle for Sunak

Plus, read our special report on one of Putin's most stinging battlefield defeats in Ukraine

Today's biggest stories

Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeo Mori, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and South Korea's First Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Hyundong attend a joint press conference in Tokyo, October 26, 2022


The United States, Japan and South Korea warned that an "unparalleled" scale of response would be warranted if North Korea conducts a seventh nuclear bomb test. Washington and its allies believe North Korea could be about to resume nuclear bomb testing for the first time since 2017.

Russian forces are digging in for the "heaviest of battles" in the strategic southern region of Kherson, a senior Ukrainian official said, as the Kremlin prepares to defend the largest city under its control in Ukraine. Here's what you need to know about the conflict right now.

Iranian riot police deployed in large numbers in Mahsa Amini's home town of Saqez, witnesses said, after activists called for protests across the country to mark 40 days since she died in detention over her "inappropriate attire".

The three most glaring omissions from China's new Communist Party leadership share one common trait: all rose through its Youth League and were considered members of a once-powerful faction whose influence Xi Jinping has now effectively crushed.

Hundreds of Syrian refugees returned home from Lebanon on the first day of repatriations organized by Beirut, their mood more subdued than celebratory amid concerns over a scheme that rights groups say may involve elements of coercion.

President Joe Biden receives an updated COVID vaccine while launching a new plan for Americans to receive booster shots and vaccinations, onstage in an auditorium on the White House campus, October 25, 2022


The White House has lowered its earlier optimism about the midterm elections and is now worried that Democrats could lose control of both chambers of Congress, administration officials say. President Joe Biden's approval rating edged closer to the lowest level of his presidency, a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll found.

Senate candidates Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Mehmet Oz traded attacks on issues from crime to inflation in the lone debate of a Pennsylvania race that will help decide whether Democrats retain control of the Senate.

Two in five U.S. voters say they are worried about threats of violence or voter intimidation at polling stations, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The new frontline of the U.S. abortion battle is on the remote plains of New Mexico, where two conservative towns are set to outlaw the medical procedure despite it remaining legal in the state after Roe v. Wade was struck down.

The teenage gunman who killed a student and a teacher at a St. Louis high school left a note in his car saying his feelings of loneliness were "a perfect storm for a mass shooting," the city's police commissioner said.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, alongside Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt, holds his first Cabinet meeting in Downing street, October 26, 2022


Britain's new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delayed the announcement of a plan to repair the country's public finances until November 17, two-and-a-half weeks later than originally planned. IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said she expects Sunak to steer Britain towards fiscal sustainability and said he was right to warn the public of difficult decisions ahead.

The global economy is approaching a recession as economists polled by Reuters once again cut growth forecasts for key economies while central banks keep raising interest rates to bring down persistently-high inflation.

Some of Europe's largest banks warned of growing risks as the economy fizzles after posting stronger-than-expected profits, helped by a trading boom in volatile markets and higher interest rates.

U.S. companies from tech giants Alphabet and Microsoft to GE and toymaker Mattel reported big slowdowns in growth or warned things were going to get worse, fanning recession fears and driving down stocks.

Reckitt Benckiser, maker of Dettol cleaning products and Durex condoms, reported a decline in sales volumes in the third quarter and warned of pressure on consumers globally.

Mercedes-Benz raised its full-year profit forecast as strong demand for luxury cars and cost savings offset the supply chain bottlenecks that have hampered industry output this year.


When Russian troops fled the Ukrainian town of Balakliia last month, they left behind thousands of documents that detail the inner workings of the Russian war machine.

Quote of the day

"The recent changing of the guard in England is an opportunity for Quebecers and Canadians to free themselves from a dilapidated monarchical link"

Yves-Francois Blanchet

Bloc Quebecois leader

Quebec separatist party calls on Canada to split with British monarchy

Video of the day

Would you take an air taxi?

Archer Aviation aims to make about 250 battery-electric air taxis in 2025, after setting a goal of getting its aircraft certified by the end of 2024.

And finally…

NASA instrument detects dozens of methane super-emitters from space

The device has identified more than 50 methane super-emitters in Central Asia, the Middle East and the Southwestern United States since it was installed in July aboard the International Space Station.

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