
Morning Digest: Testy Obama fires back at Democrats over tax deal

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Good Morning Bit, WED 08 Dec 2010 
Testy Obama fires back at Democrats over tax deal
U.S. urges strong trilateral alliance with Seoul, Tokyo
U.S. tax deal boosts stocks but hammers bonds
Microsoft plans to ramp up browser privacy
NASA sold computers with sensitive data, report says
Mavs win 10th straight to close on Spurs
Wesley Snipes still hopes to avoid jail
Grab a sandwich, lose a $1.9 million Stradivarius

Testy Obama fires back at Democrats over tax deal
December 07, 2010 04:56 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A testy President Barack Obama on Tuesday expressed frustration at his own Democrats for attacking him over his tax-cut deal with Republicans, who he called uncompromising "hostage takers."

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U.S. urges strong trilateral alliance with Seoul, Tokyo
December 08, 2010 05:22 AM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - The top U.S. military official said Tokyo, Seoul and Washington must build an even stronger alliance in the face of North Korean aggression, while calling on Beijing to show leadership by reining in its ally Pyongyang.

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U.S. tax deal boosts stocks but hammers bonds
December 08, 2010 05:42 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Stocks rose and U.S. government bonds saw their worst sell-off in 18 months on Wednesday as a deal on U.S. taxes highlighted Washington's expansionary fiscal stance and its likely impact on growth and future deficits.

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Microsoft plans to ramp up browser privacy
December 07, 2010 05:19 PM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp plans to give users of its new Internet browser the ability to stop certain sites from gathering information from users as the company looks to head off federal online privacy legislation.

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NASA sold computers with sensitive data, report says
December 07, 2010 06:27 PM ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA failed to delete sensitive data on computers and hard drives before selling the equipment as part of its plan to end the Space Shuttle program, an audit released on Tuesday shows.

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Mavs win 10th straight to close on Spurs
December 08, 2010 01:24 AM ET
DALLAS (Reuters) - The Dallas Mavericks registered a 10th consecutive victory with a 105-100 triumph over the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday, the win lifting the home team to within a half-game of the Western Conference lead.

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Wesley Snipes still hopes to avoid jail
December 07, 2010 10:59 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Wesley Snipes said on Tuesday he was upset about going to prison but still hopes to avoid jail time on tax-related convictions as his lawyer seeks a U.S. Supreme Court review of Snipes' case.

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Grab a sandwich, lose a $1.9 million Stradivarius
December 07, 2010 10:04 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - A musician who went into a central London sandwich store to buy something to eat has had a 300-year-old Stradivarius violin worth 1.2 million pounds ($1.9 million) stolen, police said on Monday.

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