
Technology Report: Google acquires social ad start-up Wildfire

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Google acquires social ad start-up Wildfire
(Reuters) - Google Inc said on Tuesday it acquired marketing start-up Wildfire to help the world's largest Internet search company expand further into social media.
Apple lawyer: Samsung deliberately chose to copy iPhone
SAN JOSE, California (Reuters) - Apple Inc told jurors on Tuesday that Samsung's internal documents show it made a decision to copy the iPhone because the South Korean company could not compete in the smartphone market on its own.
FTC backs $22.5 million Google settlement over Safari
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators will require Google Inc to pay a civil penalty of $22.5 million to settle charges that it bypassed the privacy settings of customers using Apple Inc's Safari browser, two people familiar with the matter said on Tuesday.
Apple may be considering stock split: Bernstein
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernstein Research on Tuesday wrote that Apple Inc may be considering a stock split, a move that could lead to the pricy company's inclusion in the Dow Jones Industrial Average .
Twitter reinstates British journalist after outcry
(Reuters) - Twitter Inc reinstated a British journalist's account on Tuesday and apologized after an outcry over his suspension for posting an NBC-Universal executive's email address on the service threatened to tarnish the company's reputation.
Seagate shares tumble as slowing PC sales hit outlook
(Reuters) - Seagate Technology Plc's shares fell as much as 8 percent on Tuesday, after the hard disk drive (HDD) maker projected first-quarter revenue below estimates on slowing sales of personal computers.
Microsoft relaunches Hotmail as social-friendly Outlook
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp unveiled a revamped, Facebook-friendly version of its free, online email service on Tuesday in an attempt to reverse market share losses to Google Inc's fast-growing Gmail.
Law firm accuses Zynga of failing to disclose key data
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A California law firm representing a stockholder has filed a class-action lawsuit against Zynga Inc, accusing the game publisher of failing to disclose a rapid decline in users and revenue.
Interim Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn leaves company
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Ross Levinsohn is leaving Yahoo, two weeks after the company announced he lost out on the top job to Google executive Marissa Mayer, the company said in a filing.
Renesas secures $633 million support from major shareholders
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics Corp on Tuesday secured a combined 49.5 billion yen ($633 million) in financial support from three major shareholders as it fights to survive against tough overseas rivals, sending its shares up 16 percent.
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