
Morning Digest: Meteorite hits central Russia, more than 500 people hurt

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Meteorite hits central Russia, more than 500 people hurt
CHELYABINSK, Russia (Reuters) - More than 500 people were injured when a meteorite shot across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, sending fireballs crashing to Earth, shattering windows and damaging buildings..
Blade Runner Pistorius sobs as court hears murder charge
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African 'Blade Runner' Oscar Pistorius broke down in tears on Friday after he was charged in court with shooting dead his girlfriend in his Pretoria house..
Buffett, Brazil's 3G team up for $23 billion Heinz buyout
(Reuters) - Warren Buffett and Brazilian financier Jorge Paulo Lemann are teaming up to buy ketchup maker H.J. Heinz Co for $23.2 billion, in what could be the first step of a wave of mergers for the food and beverage industry..
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie venture into winemaking
(Reuters) - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have gone into the wine business, helping to produce a rose called Miraval from their French estate and putting their names on the label, wine website Decanter.com reported..
James' record streak ends as Heat overcome Thunder
(Reuters) - LeBron James continued his sizzling form with 39 points in the Miami Heat's 110-100 win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday but missed a late three-pointer to bring his record scoring streak to an end..
Egyptian regulator appeals against court's YouTube ban
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities appealed on Thursday against a court order banning the video file-sharing site YouTube for a month over an amateur video that denigrates the Prophet Mohammad, saying the ruling was unenforceable..
Ancient asteroid strike in Australia "changed face of earth"
SYDNEY (Reuters) - A strike from a big asteroid more than 300 million years ago left a huge impact zone buried in Australia and changed the face of the earth, researchers said on Friday..
Encana apologizes for executive's cursing on conference call
(Please note this story contains language that may offend some readers).
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