
Morning Digest: Obama urges Congress to make government work for "the many"

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Obama urges Congress to make government work for "the many"
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama challenged a divided Congress on Tuesday to raise the minimum wage and make government work for "the many" in a State of the Union speech focused on economic fairness for the middle class as the Democrat takes a more assertive tack in his second term..
Pope asks for support after decision to resign, says strength diminishing
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, in his first public comments since he announced that he would become the first pontiff in centuries to resign, on Wednesday said he was fully aware of the gravity of his decision but confident that it would not hurt the Church..
Stock index futures point to slightly higher start
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a slightly higher open on Wall Street on Wednesday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 up 0.1-0.2 percent at 0958 GMT (4.58 a.m EST)..
A Minute With: Michael Haneke and the story behind "Amour"
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Austrian director Michael Haneke said his stark drama "Amour," which has scored a surprising five Oscar nominations including for Best Picture, was inspired by his own experiences dealing with an aged aunt facing death..
LeBron James sets new shooting mark before home crowd
(Reuters) - LeBron James' red-hot shooting hit record level on Tuesday as he became the first NBA player ever to score 30 points while shooting 60 percent in six straight games..
Insight: Apple and Samsung, frenemies for life
SAN FRANCISCO/SEOUL (Reuters) - It was the late Steve Jobs' worst nightmare. A powerful Asian manufacturer, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, uses Google Inc's Android software to create smartphones and tablets that closely resemble the iPhone and the iPad. Samsung starts gaining market share, hurting Apple Inc's margins and stock price and threatening its reign as the king of cool in consumer electronics..
New Landsat Earth-monitoring satellite launched from California
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - - A new satellite to keep tabs on Earth's changing landscape rocketed into orbit on Monday, ensuring continuation of a 40-year-old photo archive documenting urban sprawl, glacial melting, natural disasters and other environmental shifts..
One-man bank keeps German village business running
GAMMESFELD, Germany (Reuters) - Peter Breiter, 41, is an unusual banker. Not for him the big bonuses, complicated financial instruments and multi-million deals..
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