
Technology Report: Exclusive: Apple, Macs hit by hackers who targeted Facebook

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Exclusive: Apple, Macs hit by hackers who targeted Facebook
BOSTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc was recently attacked by hackers who infected the Macintosh computers of some employees, the company said on Tuesday in an unprecedented disclosure that described the widest known cyber attacks against Apple-made computers to date.
HTC launches smartphone with revamped software to take on Samsung
LONDON (Reuters) - Taiwan's HTC Corp has unveiled the new smartphone that it hopes will set it apart from the crowd of Google Android devices on the market and help it to make up ground lost to Samsung.
T-Mobile USA hopes for prepaid growth with GoSmart brand
NEW YORK (Reuters) - T-Mobile USA, the No. 4 U.S. mobile provider, on Tuesday launched GoSmart Mobile, a nationwide prepaid wireless brand that will sell cellphone services to customers who want to pay for calls in advance.
Google risks huge fine under new EU data rules: top official
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Google's latest privacy policy could land it with a fine of upto $1 billion under a new law allowing Europe-wide challenges to U.S.-based Internet giants, Europe's top justice official said on Tuesday.
Microsoft made mistakes in early mobile strategy: Bill Gates
(Reuters) - Microsoft Corp Chairman Bill Gates said he was not satisfied with the company's pace of innovation over the last few years, and that it had mishandled its early mobile strategy.
Burger King takes down Twitter account after hack attack
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hackers breached the Twitter account of fast-food chain Burger King, posting the online equivalent of graffiti and sometimes making little sense.
Security group suspects Chinese military is behind hacking attacks
BEIJING/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A secretive Chinese military unit is believed to be behind a series of hacking attacks, a U.S. computer security company said, prompting a strong denial by China and accusations that it was in fact the victim of U.S. hacking.
AU fundraising spurs share rally, seen signaling demand for panels
TAIPEI (Reuters) - AU Optronics' plans to raise as much as $350 million in an overseas share issue sparked a surge in its shares, signaling that strong demand for high-definition displays in tablets and TVs is breathing new life into the loss-making panel maker's fortunes.
Huawei denies work in field linked to U.S. death in Singapore
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Chinese telecommunications company Huawei said on Monday it had not worked with an institute in Singapore on any projects in the specialist field of an American engineer who died mysteriously last year shortly after leaving the institute.
China 360buy's fundraising drive highlights IPO urgency
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese online shopping firm 360buy loses money, needs huge cash injections to feed its supply chain, and its profitable rival Alibaba Group has more than double its market share.
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