
Morning Digest: Insight: Russia's Syria diplomacy, a game of smoke and mirrors

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Insight: Russia's Syria diplomacy, a game of smoke and mirrors
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Sitting at a long table in Russia's Foreign Ministry, Syrian opposition leaders outlined a plan to protect Moscow's interests if the Kremlin agreed to the removal of its longstanding ally, President Bashar al-Assad..
North, South Korea move to end rupture in ties
SEOUL (Reuters) - North and South Korea announced on Thursday they were planning to hold talks for the first time since February 2011, signaling attempts to repair ties that have been ruptured for months..
Euro gains as ECB seen on hold, Fed worries linger
LONDON (Reuters) - The euro hit a four-week high against the dollar on Thursday as investors positioned for the European Central Bank to leave rates unchanged, but uncertainty over the U.S. Federal Reserve's next move kept equity markets on edge..
Michael Jackson's teen daughter attempts suicide -mother
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Paris Jackson, the 15-year-old daughter of late pop star Michael Jackson, was rushed to a Los Angeles-area hospital on Wednesday after an apparent suicide attempt, her mother said, but her family later reported she is "physically fine.".
Bergeron's double-overtime winner puts Bruins on the brink
(Reuters) - Patrice Bergeron scored a dramatic double-overtime winner for Boston in a 2-1 victory over the Pittsburgh Penguins on Wednesday that puts the Bruins on the verge of an Eastern Conference Finals sweep..
Exclusive: Microsoft, FBI take aim at global cyber crime ring
BOSTON (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp and the FBI, aided by authorities in more than 80 countries, have launched a major assault on one of the world's biggest cyber crime rings, believed to have stolen more than $500 million from bank accounts over the past 18 months..
U.S. management of wild horses flawed, scientific report finds
SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - A federal agency working to rein in the population of wild horses in the West should rely more on fertility control than roundups because it would be more effective, a National Academy of Sciences review said on Wednesday..
Enter The Diplomat - U.N.'s Ban gets black belt
(Reuters) - Representatives at the United Nations may think twice about crossing Ban Ki-moon in future after the secretary-general was awarded an honorary 10th degree black belt in the Korean martial art of taekwondo..
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