
Morning Digest: Turkish protesters clash with police into early hours

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Turkish protesters clash with police into early hours
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish protesters clashed with riot police into the early hours of Monday with some setting fire to offices of the ruling AK Party as the fiercest anti-government demonstrations in years entered their fourth day..
Russia says U.S. not putting enough pressure on Syria opposition
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States is not putting enough pressure on the Syrian opposition to participate in an international peace conference and drop its demand for President Bashar al-Assad's exit, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday..
Shares tumble, Bunds firm as volatility reigns
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares fell to their lowest level in a month on Monday in the face of uncertainty over how much longer the current U.S. stimulus would continue, while data underscoring the fragility of China's economy weighed on oil..
Angelina Jolie makes first public appearance after mastectomy
LONDON (Reuters) - Angelina Jolie made her first public appearance since announcing her double mastectomy on Sunday, joining fiance Brad Pitt on the red carpet in London where she welcomed the debate on women's health that the surgery had sparked..
Dempsey scores twice as U.S. beat Germany
(Reuters) - Clint Dempsey scored twice as the United States held on to beat a below-strength Germany 4-3 in a friendly on Sunday, giving American coach Juergen Klinsmann victory over his former homeland..
Online demand boosts market for rarest books, expert says
HAY-ON-WYE, Wales (Reuters) - Prices of the rarest books are rising as the Internet drives the trade off dusty shelves and into the digital age, a leading expert said this weekend..
Large asteroid, with small moon in tow, to fly by Earth
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A large asteroid accompanied by its own small moon was approaching Earth on Friday, the latest in a string of celestial visitors drawing attention to the potential dangers of objects in space..
Noah's Ark theme park wants to show the Flood was "plausible"
HEBRON, Kentucky (Reuters) - The Biblical account of Noah and his Ark poses a lot of questions, even for believers like the creators of the controversial Creation Museum in Kentucky..
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