
Morning Digest: Kerry resumes Israeli-Palestinian peace bid

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Kerry resumes Israeli-Palestinian peace bid
AMMAN (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry begins a new push on Thursday to revive peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, but there are few signs he will make a breakthrough on his fifth visit to the region..
South Africa waits after Mandela's condition worsens
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africans prepared on Thursday to say farewell to ailing anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela after his condition deteriorated further in hospital, forcing President Jacob Zuma to cancel a trip to neighboring Mozambique..
Global shares, gold steady as Fed, China fears ease
LONDON (Reuters) - World shares and bonds stabilized on Thursday while gold and the euro recovered slightly, after data suggested the U.S. Federal Reserve may leave its stimulus program in place a bit longer than markets have been thinking..
Book asks if Bruce Springsteen helped bring down the Berlin Wall
BERLIN (Reuters) - Almost 25 years ago, Bruce Springsteen gave communist East Germany its biggest ever rock concert in a performance that fuelled a spirit of rebellion and may have contributed to events that brought down the Berlin Wall, a new book says..
Federer and Sharapova exit in Wednesday Wipeout
LONDON (Reuters) - Wimbledon king Roger Federer and Maria Sharapova endured jolting second-round losses to opponents outside the world top 100 in a freakishly dramatic 'Wednesday Wipeout' that saw seven players withdraw injured and the draw shredded..
Father of the Web scolds "hypocritical" West over spying
LONDON (Reuters) - The British inventor of the World Wide Web accused Western governments of hypocrisy in spying on the Internet while lecturing repressive leaders across the world for doing exactly the same..
Chinese astronauts land safely after "perfect" space mission
BEIJING (Reuters) - Three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth on Wednesday, touching down in north China's Inner Mongolia after a successful 15-day mission in which they docked with an experimental manned space laboratory..
Saudi prince sued in UK over sale of opulent jet to Gaddafi
LONDON (Reuters) - The secretive sale of a private jet to Libya's Muammar Gaddafi by a billionaire Saudi prince came under scrutiny on Wednesday in a London courtroom, where a businesswoman who says she brokered the deal is suing the prince for $10 million..
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