
Morning Digest: From copper to cameras; feeling the heat from China slowdown

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From copper to cameras; feeling the heat from China slowdown
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's manufacturing engine lost further momentum in July and the job market weakened, a survey showed on Wednesday, complicating a transition to consumer-driven growth and boding ill for so many leveraged to the world's second-largest economy..
Russia's Putin to visit Tehran for nuclear talks: media reports
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian leader Vladimir Putin will meet Iran's newly elected president in Tehran next month to discuss restarting talks on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program, Russian and Iranian media reports said on Wednesday..
Euro surveys lift shares after China disappoints
LONDON (Reuters) - Evidence of an economic revival in the euro zone and strong sales from technology bellwether Apple lifted world shares and the euro on Wednesday, offsetting earlier disappointing factory data from China..
In an uncertain Egypt, street artists rein in their outrage
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian rappers and graffiti artists who captured the spirit of the youthful rebellion that toppled president Hosni Mubarak are toning down their outrage as the path to democracy has become more complicated..
Former MLB boss expects hefty doping ban for A-Rod
(Reuters) - Former Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Fay Vincent is not privy to details of the latest doping sweep overshadowing the sport but he has a feeling Alex Rodriguez could be in for some harsh treatment..
Ex-CIA official to address government-wary hackers
BOSTON (Reuters) - A former CIA official and a retired Air Force general will address next week's Def Con hacking convention, which for the first time asked federal officials to steer clear because of anger over alleged government spying..
Paleontologists discover dinosaur tail in northern Mexico
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A team of paleontologists have discovered the fossilized remains of a 72 million-year-old dinosaur tail in a desert in northern Mexico, the country's National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) said on Monday..
Royal baby worth his weight in gold to the Firm
LONDON (Reuters) - The Firm, as Britain's royal family calls itself, has a new asset..
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