
Morning Digest: Fugitive Snowden says U.S. officials preventing his asylum

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Fugitive Snowden says U.S. officials preventing his asylum
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Former intelligence agency contractor Edward Snowden said U.S. officials have been waging a campaign to prevent him from taking up offers of asylum, he said in a letter sent to a Human Rights Watch official and posted on Facebook..
Analysis: Experts advise Snowden: fly commercial
MOSCOW (Reuters) - When an Aeroflot plane from Moscow took an unusually southerly course to Havana on Thursday, it quickly triggered speculation that American fugitive Edward Snowden could be on board..
Analysis: Fed mulls adjusting its tune to quell jittery markets
(Reuters) - Federal Reserve officials are considering moving the goal posts on U.S. monetary policy with a promise to keep interest rates low for longer in the hopes of heading off a troubling rise in market-set borrowing costs..
Director Guillermo del Toro revives Japanese monsters in 'Pacific Rim'
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - In a summer swimming in apocalypse movies, Mexican director Guillermo del Toro puts his own stamp on the end of the world with an epic sci-fi battle between monsters and robots, eschewing Hollywood's A-list for a cast of cable TV actors..
Sailing-America's Cup jury rejects disputed rule change
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - An America's Cup jury on Thursday ruled against changes that two challengers said would have given software mogul Larry Ellison's team an unfair advantage in the problem-plagued international regatta..
NATO cyber defense center fights tide of hacking attempts
MONS, Belgium (Reuters) - Crouched behind banks of computer screens flashing data, NATO analysts try to stay ahead of millions of suspected attempts to hack the Western alliance's computer networks, as cyber defense moves to the center of NATO operations..
Study raises new concern about earthquakes and fracking fluids
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Powerful earthquakes thousands of miles away can trigger swarms of minor quakes near wastewater-injection wells like those used in oil and gas recovery, scientists reported on Thursday, sometimes followed months later by quakes big enough to destroy buildings..
No kidding - goats help lure customers to Tokyo cafe
TOKYO (Reuters) - First, there were the maid cafes, their customers pampered by women in maids' uniforms. Then came the cat cafes, which allowed cat lovers to play with frisky felines while sipping a cup of coffee..
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