
Morning Digest: Separatists build barricades in east Ukraine, Kiev warns of force

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Separatists build barricades in east Ukraine, Kiev warns of force
LUHANSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Pro-Russian separatists reinforced barricades and prepared petrol bombs on Wednesday at a security services building they have seized in the east Ukrainian city of Luhansk after the government in Kiev warned it could use force to restore order..
New ping signals spark confidence in Malaysia Airlines search
SYDNEY/PERTH, Australia (Reuters) - Australian officials said on Wednesday two new "ping" signals had been detected in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, boosting confidence after more than a month of fruitless searching for the missing jetliner..
Europe rides rebound in risk appetite, emerging markets shine
LONDON (Reuters) - Revived appetite for emerging markets helped Asian stocks hit a near six-month high on Wednesday, driving more modest gains in Europe and other developed markets, where future stimulus looks less clear-cut..
NBC sets online talent search for its next hit sitcom
Pasadena, Calif (Reuters) - NBC, closing in on its first ratings victory in a decade in the 18 to 49-year-old age group that advertisers most want, is hitting the Internet in its search for the next "Friends" or "Seinfeld.".
South African prosecutor starts Pistorius cross-examination
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African state prosecutors started cross-examining Olympic and Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius on Wednesday, vowing to "get to the truth" surrounding the killing of Pistorius' girlfriend on Valentine's day last year..
New 'Heartbleed' bug poses major threat to user data
BOSTON (Reuters) - A newly discovered bug in widely used Web encryption technology has made data on many of the world's major websites vulnerable to theft by hackers in what experts say is one of the most serious security flaws uncovered in recent years..
Japanese researcher stands by her disputed stem cell discovery
TOKYO (Reuters) - Fighting back tears, a Japanese researcher under fire for fabricating parts of scientific papers hailed as breakthroughs in stem cell research said on Wednesday she stood by her discovery and hoped it could still help the world..
Missing painting sold in HK for $3.7 million may have gone out with the trash
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A painting that was auctioned for HK$28.8 million ($3.7 million) two days ago has gone missing, police said, with media reports on Wednesday suggesting cleaners may have inadvertently thrown the artwork out..
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