
Morning Digest: Ukraine crackdown on pro-Moscow separatists gets off to slow start

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Ukraine crackdown on pro-Moscow separatists gets off to slow start
KIEV/SLAVIANSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Russia declared Ukraine on the brink of civil war on Tuesday as Kiev said an "anti-terrorist operation" against pro-Moscow separatists was underway, though the crackdown appeared to get off to a slow start, if at all..
Undersea drone hunt for Malaysian plane may take two months
SYDNEY/PERTH, Australia (Reuters) - A U.S. Navy underwater drone sent to search for a missing Malaysian jetliner on the floor of the Indian Ocean could take up to two months to scour a 600 sq km area where the plane is believed to have sunk, U.S. search authorities said on Tuesday..
Shares dip on concerns over Ukraine, Chinese growth
LONDON (Reuters) - Risk appetite faded on financial markets on Tuesday, with shares weaker and bonds firmer as investors weighed up tensions between Russia and Ukraine, downbeat sales reports and signs of slowing growth in China..
'Mad Men' premiere draws 2.3 million, lowest season debut since 2008
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Advertising drama "Mad Men," facing a night of stiff competition on cable television, drew 2.3 million viewers to the premiere of its seventh and final season, network AMC said on Monday..
Prosecutor wraps up five-day Pistorius grilling
PRETORIA (Reuters) - The prosecutor in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius ended his five-day cross-examination of the double amputee track star on Tuesday with a stark summary of how he shot his girlfriend, insisting he killed her deliberately after an argument..
Turkey says Twitter agrees to close some accounts, no tax deal yet
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Twitter will close some accounts in Turkey but will not for now set up an office there as the government wants, a senior Turkish official said late on Monday after talks over a dispute which saw the government ban the site for two weeks..
Sky-watchers see 'blood moon' in total lunar eclipse
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Parts of the world saw a rare celestial event on Tuesday when the Earth's shadow fell across the moon, turning it orange..
Ohio man sentenced to wear 'BULLY' sign is jeered, taunted
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - An Ohio man sentenced by a judge to spend Sunday wearing a sign reading "I AM A BULLY" at a busy suburban Cleveland intersection was greeted by a boisterous stream of honking car horns, jeers and insults..
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