
Morning Digest: Ukraine wants to buy European gas to boost energy security

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Ukraine wants to buy European gas to boost energy security
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine hopes to buy gas from Europe to shore up its energy security, fearful Russia will cut gas supplies over Kiev's refusal to pay Moscow's "political, uneconomic price" for supplies, its energy minister said on Friday..
Exclusive: Malaysia starts investigating confused initial response to missing jet
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's government has begun investigating civil aviation and military authorities to determine why opportunities to identify and track Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 were missed in the chaotic hours after it vanished, two officials said..
World equities hit two-week low as tech stocks retreat
LONDON (Reuters) - Global equities slipped to a two-week low on Friday as a sell-off on Wall Street led by technology and biotech shares and triggered by concerns that valuations are over stretched spread to Asia and Europe..
KISS, Nirvana, Hall and Oates inducted by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Flamboyant rockers KISS, singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel, grunge band Nirvana and chart-toppers Hall and Oates entered the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Thursday but the original KISS quartet did not perform..
Police investigating NFL quarterback Kaepernick after complaint by woman
MIAMI (Reuters) - Miami police said on Thursday that they are investigating San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick after a woman filed a police report claiming that she had drinks with him and two other football players and awoke in a hospital with no memory of the night..
Google to sell Glass to public next week
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc will take online orders for its Glass wearable gadget on April 15, in its biggest push to get the $1,500 wraparound Web-ready glasses out to the U.S. public..
Scientists grow viable vaginas from girls' own cells
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Four young women born with abnormal or missing vaginas were implanted with lab-grown versions made from their own cells, the latest success in creating replacement organs that have so far included tracheas, bladders and urethras..
Clever chimps at Kansas City Zoo make brief break to freedom
KANSAS CITY (Reuters) - Seven chimpanzees used an improvised ladder from a tree to scale a wall and briefly escape their enclosure at the Kansas City Zoo on Thursday, a zoo official said..
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