
Reuters Morning Digest: January 28, 2016

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Thursday, January 28, 2016
Most Americans support Obama's contested immigration plan: poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most Americans say they back a plan that would allow certain illegal immigrants to stay in the country, but support for the idea slips when President Barack Obama's name is attached to the question, according to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.
Iraqi army learns Ramadi's lessons in U.S.-led coalition training
BESMAYA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S.-led coalition forces training Iraqi soldiers to fight Islamic State are applying lessons from last month's recapture of Ramadi to prepare the army to retake the northern city of Mosul later this year.
GM's Opel, German watchdog recalling Opel models
BERLIN (Reuters) - General Motors division Opel and Germany's transportation watchdog (KBA) are recalling Opel models that contain steering components which could break and affect the vehicles' steerability, KBA said on Thursday.
EU competition boss says could look at UK's Google tax deal
LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union could investigate a back tax deal agreed by Internet group Google and Britain, its competition boss said on Thursday.
Challenger accident shapes new wave of passenger spaceships
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - Thirty years after the space shuttle Challenger exploded during liftoff, a new generation of spaceships continues to build on changes made after NASA's fatal accident.
Horne blows ahead of Spieth in Singapore
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - World number one Jordan Spieth lurked one-shot off the lead before thunder halted the first round of the Singapore Open on Thursday but the American, missing his regular caddie, was left frustrated by his inaccurate approach play.
Black or White? Actor Fiennes cast to play singer Michael Jackson
(Reuters) - British actor Joseph Fiennes has been cast as iconic African-American pop star Michael Jackson in an upcoming TV comedy, provoking scorn on social media on Wednesday and fueling a controversy in the entertainment industry over opportunities for black artists.
Simply not cricket: Pakistan man faces jail for flying India flag
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A Pakistani man has been arrested for hoisting the flag of arch rival India on his roof, an act police described as "anti-state" but which the accused says was a tribute to Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, officials said on Wednesday.
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