
Reuters Technology Report: May 23, 2016

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Monday, May 23, 2016
With HoloLens, Microsoft aims to avoid Google's mistakes
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When Google introduced its Google Glass smart glasses four years ago, it turned to Glass-sporting sky divers buzzing a San Francisco convention center, Glass-adorned models at a glitzy fashion show and a Twitter campaign to notify early "Glass Explorers" of their luck in snagging a pair.
U.S. consumers buck investors' rush to self-driving cars : study
DETROIT (Reuters) - U.S. consumers still resist the notion of self-driving cars, according to a University of Michigan study released on Monday, the latest sign that investors and automakers may be rushing into a business where demand is limited at best.
In Oracle vs. Google retrial, lawyers make final pitches to jury
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Oracle Corp filed a multibillion-dollar copyright lawsuit against Google because Oracle failed in its own attempts to enter the smartphone market, a Google attorney said in closing arguments on Monday.
Iridium launches timing, location service as GPS back-up
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. firm Iridium Communications Inc on Monday said its Satellite Time and Location (STL) system was ready for use as an alterative or companion to the U.S. Air Force's Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites.
Hackers probe defenses of Middle East banks : FireEye
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Hackers are probing the defenses of banks in the Middle East, targeting employees with infected emails which gather information about the banks' network and user accounts, FireEye researchers said. 
Uber deal shows divide in labor's drive for role in 'gig economy'
(Reuters) - The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers trumpeted an agreement reached earlier this month to represent New York Uber drivers, saying it "gives organized labor an opportunity to shape the new economy in a way that supports and values workers and their families."
On-demand tech support companies HelloTech, Geekatoo merge
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Los Angeles-based startup HelloTech and rival in-home tech support company Geekatoo on Monday said they had merged, in a sign of consolidation in the hotly competitive on-demand sector.
Toshiba moves to slash capital base to enable payout, get fresh funds
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Toshiba Corp plans to more than halve its capital base, a move that may enable it to resume paying dividends quicker and get a fresh capital injection as it aims to recover from a $1.3 billion accounting scandal last year.
To halt smartphone slide, Samsung rewrites playbook
SEOUL (Reuters) - From the way it chooses smartphone components to the models it brings to market, Samsung Electronics has undergone a painful process of breaking from its past to reverse a slide in its handset business.
First Data shares could rise more than 70 percent: Barron's
(Reuters) - First Data Corp shares could rise as much as 70 percent if the company's performance continues to improve, according to a report on Sunday from the financial publication Barron's.
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