
Tuesday Morning Briefing: NRA: 4, gun control advocates: 0

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The Republican-led Senate rejected four gun control measures, despite polls showing Americans are increasingly in favor of more restrictions on guns. A group of senators was still hoping to forge a compromise later in the week aimed at keeping firearms away from people on terrorism watch lists, but critics in both parties think it's a long shot.


Digits of the day:

8 to 1


Donald Trump is way behind Hillary Clinton in the election fundraising horse race, having raised only $3.1 million in May compared with the Democrat's $26 million. That's an 8 to 1 margin. Trump begins June with a war chest totaling $1.29 million, compared with Clinton's $42 million. That's a 33 to 1 margin.


The first cracks are emerging in the European consensus on how to deal with Vladimir Putin, as Berlin expresses concern that relations with Moscow could suffer irreparable damage. On top of that, European officials have begun questioning how many fronts Europe can afford to fight at a time when the bloc faces major threats like Brexit, attacks from Islamic State militants and the simmering refugee crisis.

Around the country

  • The Florida nightclub killer called himself an "Islamic soldier" and threatened to strap hostages into explosive vests during the three-hour siege, according to transcripts released by the FBI. Other lowlights: 
    • "I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, may God protect him, on behalf of the Islamic State."
    • "You people are gonna get it and I'm gonna ignite it if they try to do anything stupid." 
    • “In the next few days, you’re going to see more of this type of action going on.”
  • Gun control, no. FBI spying, yes. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set up a vote to expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation's authority to use a secretive surveillance order without a warrant to include email metadata and some Internet browsing history.
  • The maker of the assault rifle used to kill 26 children and educators at a Connecticut school in 2012 argued that attempts to limit the sale of such weapons to civilians are best left to lawmakers and not families of the victims who sued the company. See above.

Run away!

An emu runs to escape an approaching wildfire as it burns near Potrero, California, U.S. June 20, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Blake


Around Wall Street

  • The Federal Reserve's dwindling confidence in its own outlook and resulting confusion among investors are creating a policy problem that may require chief Janet Yellen to lay out her own views more forcefully. Her next communications test comes today when she offers her monetary policy report to the Senate banking committee.
  • China's central bank said it will allow qualified foreign firms to issue stocks on the mainland and it may allow foreign firms to issue Chinese depository receipts, which would allow foreign firms to issue shares on Chinese stock exchanges.
  • General Electric wants to sell its remaining 20 percent stake in the Hyundai Capital joint venture. GE agreed to sell a 23 percent stake in December to Hyundai Motor and its affiliate Kia Motors for $610 million.

Around the world

  • If the tone and propaganda of the Brexit campaign sounds familiar to you in the United States, you're not alone. The nationalism, the romanticized nostalgia for an earlier time, the mistrust of political and financial elites, and the fears that migrants are bringing crime and stealing jobs: Call it Trumpism minus Trump.
  • Six Jordanian border guards were killed by a car bomb in a remote area of the frontier with Syria on Tuesday during an attack launched from Syrian territory. It was the first attack of its kind targeting Jordan from Syria since Syria's descent into conflict in 2011.
  • Japan's military was on alert for a possible North Korean ballistic missile launch, with media reporting its navy and anti-missile Patriot batteries have been told to shoot down any projectile heading for Japan. North Korea appeared to have moved an intermediate-range missile to its east coast, but there were no signs of an imminent launch, South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported.

Today's reason to live

The Breeders – Happiness Is A Warm Gun

