
Thursday Morning Briefing: Cruz missile through the GOP

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The only way that Ted Cruz could have made a more dramatic impression at the Republican National Convention is if his face melted away Raiders Of The Lost Ark-style on the rostrum before the assembled guests.

Ted Cruz began by congratulating the nominee for his victory. And that was the last time he mentioned Trump's name. What he delivered was effectively a sermon of right wing conservatism that sounded like an opening salvo to a 2020 campaign. Cruz walked off the stage without endorsing the candidate as a torrent of boos rained down on him.

How dramatic was it? Ted Cruz's wife Heidi had to be escorted off the convention floor for her own safety. He was turned away from fund raiser Sheldon Adelson's suite after the speech. One state Republican Party chairman had to be physically restrained he was so angry at Cruz.



Newt Gingrich tried to put out the fire. And we're told that the vice presidential nominee Mike Pence gave a speech to close the evening.

Congratulations. Yup. That’s it.

REUTERS/Mike Segar


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Digits of the day:


Cleveland police arrested 18 protesters after scuffling with demonstrators who tried to set an American flag on fire near the crowded entrance to the convention.


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Crash The Party – The Richard Thompson Band

