
Friday Morning Briefing: Trump isn’t paying his top 10 staffers (at least)

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump isn’t helping his pitch to Latino voters with his latest immigration speech in Arizona. Many of his Hispanic surrogates are distancing themselves from his campaign.

But some supporters are still out there:


In other Trump news, there’s one secret of his low-cost campaign - he’s not paying at least 10 of his top staffers.

Around the country


Digit of the day



Today’s the day that Brock Turner, the Stanford University student who was found guilty of sexually assaulted an unconscious woman by a dumpster, is sent home from his 6-month jail stay.

  • Between the freedom of speech for guest speakers and freedom of speech for hecklers, which matters more? That’s what the University of Chicago is trying to figure out.
  • Hurricane Hermine slammed into Florida’s northern coast, bringing 80 mph winds and leaving thousands without power. It weakened into a tropical storm and is working its way up the Atlantic coast.

Around Wall Street


  • U.S. employment growth slowed in August, rising 151,000 after two straight months of strong gains. The unemployment rate stayed unchanged at 4.9 percent.
  • Samsung’s issuing a recall of their Galaxy Note 7 phones after batteries began catching fire. It’s a tough blow for what had been a revival in the firm's mobile business.

Around the world

First day of school

First graders attend a ceremony to mark the start of the school year in Kiev, Ukraine September 1, 2016. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich


  • Zika has Singapore residents worried. That’s because experts warned than an outbreak in the tropical city-state would be difficult to contain. The rules are: cover up, stay in.
  • Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov died after suffering a stroke at the age of 78. The Uzbek government did not immediately confirm the reports. Karimov ruled since 1989 and has long been criticized by the West and human rights groups for his authoritarian style of leadership. He didn’t name a successor - that will be decided by a small group of officials behind closed doors.

Today’s reason to live

Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant


