
Thursday Morning Briefing

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The Eiffel tower is illuminated in green with the words "Paris Agreement is Done", to celebrate the Paris U.N. COP21 Climate Change agreement in Paris, France, November 4, 2016. REUTERS/Jacky Naegelen/File Photo

Climate accord

President Donald Trump said he would announce whether to keep the United States in a global pact to fight climate change today. A source close to the matter said he was preparing to pull out of the Paris accord. Ahead of Trump’s announcement, China said it would stick to the climate deal. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said it will take the U.S. years to actually exit the deal. "The Americans can't just leave the climate protection agreement. Mr. Trump believes that because he doesn't know the details." 

U.N. rules for the 2015 pact say Washington would formally have to wait until November 2020 to withdraw. Trump could shorten the formalities to just one year by exiting Paris' 1992 parent treaty. Quitting the Paris Agreement would leave Trump in a legal grey zone until the next U.S. presidential election in 2020, retaining a vote as other nations work on detailed rules on issues such as how to monitor greenhouse gas emissions.


The U.S. Commerce Department announced 13 new transactions with Vietnam worth $8 billion, including $3 billion worth of U.S.-produced content that would support more than 23,000 American jobs. "They (Vietnam) just made a very large order in the United States - and we appreciate that - for many billions of dollars, which means jobs for the United States and great, great equipment for Vietnam," Trump told reporters at the White House.

Supreme Court

Liberal activists are urging U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative with whom they often disagree, to put off any thought of retirement, fearing President Donald Trump would replace him with a jurist further to the right.


The Trump administration has rolled out a new questionnaire for U.S. visa applicants worldwide that asks for social media handles for the last five years and biographical information going back 15 years.

Russia probe

President Donald Trump sought to insert himself into congressional investigations on Russia, urging lawmakers to hear from one of his former advisers, Carter Page, to counter testimony by directors of the FBI and CIA.

Vishnu Limbachiya, a hair artist, styles the hair of a man while wearing a blindfold at a park in Ahmedabad, India, May 31, 2017. REUTERS/Amit Dave


A government airstrike in a southern Philippine city killed 11 government troops, a major blow to the country's bid to end its biggest internal security crisis in years. 


A meeting between the two men who run Russia and Saudi Arabia's oil empires broke new ground, according to two sources familiar with the talks. The sources said the CEOs discussed possible ways of cooperating in Asia, such as Indonesia and India, as well as in other markets.

North Korea

South Korean President Moon Jae-in's top security aide left for Washington as the new leader tries to reassure his country's main ally he will not scrap a deal to host a missile defense system that has angered China.


Burger King
 has withdrawn an advertising campaign in Belgium where its use of the king's image had angered the country's monarch. The online advertisement, noting that King Philippe was crowned in 2013, announced the brand's launch in Belgium this month and asked: "Two Kings. One crown. Who will rule? Vote now ... " The website (whoistheking.be) now just features the company logo with the word "king" removed, adding "There is no place for two kings in Belgium."

 expanding network has rivals - and suitors - taking notice.


Billionaire financier George Soros warned the European Union that it was facing an "existential crisis", saying the bloc should not let protracted Brexit talks distract it from making vital reforms.

Reuters poll: Conservative win would give UK strongest hand in Brexit talks - analysts

PM May's lead falls to 3 percentage points, YouGov poll shows a week before UK election

