
Wednesday Morning Briefing

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Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, co-founder of one of the most influential technology companies of its generation, resigned on Tuesday under mounting pressure from investors over his leadership.


Major U.S. corporations such as Wal-Mart and General Motors have become some of America’s biggest buyers of renewable energy, driving growth in an industry seen as key to helping the United States cut carbon emissions.


China shares get MSCI nod in landmark moment for Beijing




Georgia Republican Karen Handel won the most expensive congressional race in history, avoiding a Democratic upset in a race that was widely seen as a referendum on President Donald Trump. By a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent, the former Georgia secretary of state defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff, a political newcomer who sought to wrest control of a suburban Atlanta district that has elected Republicans to Congress since the 1970s.

After weeks of closed-door meetings, U.S. Senate Republicans plan to unveil the text of their draft healthcare bill on Thursday. The effort has been plagued from the start by tensions between moderates and conservatives. Democrats have also criticized the behind-the-scenes meetings, staging a protest on the Senate floor on Monday. 


Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism




Saudi Arabia's King Salman made his son his successor, removing his nephew as crown prince and giving 31-year old Mohammed bin Salman almost unprecedented powers as the world's leading oil exporter implements transformational reforms. He retains defense, oil and other portfolios.


Looming Chinese refinery cuts to hit oil demand


A renewed slump in oil prices to seven-month lows dragged down world stocks and flattened bond curves as bets that inflation and interest rates will stay lower for even longer began to build again.


A child plays in a fountain of water to cool off from the heat at the Miroir d'Eau (Mirror of Water), in Nantes as unusually high temperatures hit France, June 20, 2017. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe


North Korea


South Korea's military said a drone found earlier this month on a mountain near the Demilitarized Zone border was confirmed to have been from North Korea and described it as a "grave provocation" that violated the Korean War truce.


Death of U.S. student held by North Korea shocks fellow ex-detainees



British Prime Minister Theresa May promised to listen more to businesses' concerns about Brexit as Queen Elizabeth formally opened parliament by announcing the government's program for the next two years. Chastened by an election result which left her Conservative Party short of a majority in parliament, May also watered down pledges on social care reform, education, corporate governance and energy markets.


Video: Queen Elizabeth’s speech




Israel would go 'all-out' if war breaks out again with Lebanon, the chief of the Israeli Air Force said, sending a firm warning a decade after their last conflict with Hezbollah.

