
Friday Morning Briefing: Trump-Kim summit collapse may strain U.S.-China ties

North Korea

U.S. President Donald Trump’s cancellation of a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatens further strain on U.S.-China ties amid a trade dispute that had been intertwined with Beijing’s pressure on isolated Pyongyang.

North Korea says it's still open to talks after Trump cancels summit called off a summit with leader Kim Jong Un, saying it hoped the “Trump formula” could resolve the standoff over its nuclear weapons program.

Many South Koreans were fuming after Trump canceled a historic summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, feeling they had been cheated of a chance of a lifetime to live in peace.


Two unidentified men walked into a restaurant on Thursday in the Canadian city of Mississauga and set off a bomb, wounding more than a dozen people, local police said. The blast went off in the Bombay Bhel restaurant at about 10:30 p.m local time.

Film producer Harvey Weinstein surrendered to authorities at a New York City police station on sex crime charges, months after he was toppled from Hollywood’s most powerful ranks by scores of women accusing him of misconduct.

Tax experts for global corporations are hot on the trail of loopholes in the sweeping tax law approved in December by Trump and Republicans in the U.S. Congress.


The Netherlands and Australia said they held the Russian state responsible in part for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in July 2014 that killed all 298 aboard, and will seek compensation.

Irish voters formed long queues at polls in an abortion referendum that could be a landmark on a path of change in a country that, only two decades ago, was one of Europe’s most socially conservative.

Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was threatened with two separate no-confidence motions, after a graft trial involving members of his party in which a judge questioned the credibility of his testimony.

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OPEC, Russia prepared to raise oil output under U.S. pressure

Saudi Arabia and Russia are discussing raising OPEC and non-OPEC oil production by some 1 million barrels a day, sources said, while OPEC’s chief said a complaint from U.S. President Donald Trump over high prices had triggered the idea of upping output.

5 min read

New privacy law forces some U.S. media offline in Europe

Major U.S.-media outlets including the LA Times and Chicago Tribune were forced to shutter their websites in parts of Europe following the roll out of stringent new privacy regulations by the European Union.

2 min read

U.S. jury awards Apple $539 million in Samsung patent retrial

After nearly five days of deliberations, a U.S. jury said Samsung should pay $539 million to Apple for copying patented smartphone features, according to court documents, bringing a years-long feud between the technology companies into its final stages.



Meghan Markle makes gold sales sparkle via @RenitaDYoung https://reut.rs/2IMtdO8

7:36 AM - May 25, 2018

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