
Wednesday Morning Briefing: Gun control support fades three months after Florida massacre


The Parkland school massacre in Florida has had little lasting impact on U.S. views on gun control, three months after the shooting deaths of 17 people propelled a national movement by some student survivors, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Two groups at opposite ends of the gun debate were set to meet Texas Governor Greg Abbott today to look for solutions days after a shooter killed 10 people in a Houston-area high school.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation that would ease bank rules introduced in the wake of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, giving Trump a major legislative victory.

Making stuff used to be the grubby alternative to office work. But now a new breed of makers are quitting good jobs to get their hands dirty. Watch the latest in our World at Work series on the return of the artisans.

north korea

International journalists left on a marathon journey to a North Korean nuclear test site today, after Pyongyang belatedly cleared a number of South Korean media to witness what it says will be the dismantling of its only nuclear test facility.

As Donald Trump met South Korea's Moon Jae-in at the White House Tuesday, columnist Peter Apps offered a reality check on what to expect if the U.S.-North Korea summit goes ahead for Reuters Commentary. "What does seem increasingly clear... is that the sort of breakthrough some in the White House had hoped for – particularly Pyongyang giving up its nuclear weapons – was never really on the table."


Iran kept up a drumbeat of opposition to U.S. demands for sweeping change in its foreign policy and nuclear program, and Tehran’s ally Damascus dismissed out of hand a U.S. call for a withdrawal of Iranian forces from Syria.

Author Philip Roth, who was both hailed and derided for laying bare the neuroses and obsessions that haunted the modern Jewish-American experience, died yesterday at the age of 85, his agent said.


Two @Reuters journalists have been detained in Myanmar for 163 days. See full coverage: https://reut.rs/2ICIZep

12:00 PM - May 23 2018

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Investment from firms seeking access to Israeli expertise in automated driving, much of it gathered by engineers during their military conscription, is pouring into startups. Read more on the future of the auto industry with Charged.

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