
Wednesday Morning Briefing: Europeans scramble to save Iran deal after Trump reneges

iran nuclear deal

Dismayed European allies sought to salvage the international nuclear pact with Iran after Trump pulled the U.S. out of the landmark accord, prompting scorn from Tehran.

“Trump does not have the mental capacity to deal with issues,” the speaker of Iran’s parliament told the assembly yesterday in a live broadcast on state TV. Members of parliament burned a U.S. flag and a symbolic copy of the deal as the session began, alongside chanting “Death to America.”

Oil prices rose more than 3 percent today, hitting 3-1/2-year highs. America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear accord also signals the collapse of $38 billion in plane deals between Tehran and Western companies.


What's going on in global markets today: oil ↑, dollar ↑ as Trump pulls out of Iran nuclear deal: https://reut.rs/2KLLjND

11:09 AM - 9 May, 2018


Gunmen set off at least three explosions in Afghan capital Kabul today and battled security forces from buildings they occupied, furthering a spate of violence in the city.

Emergency crews ordered Hawaii residents to leave their homes after two new fissures opened up near the Kilauea volcano, almost a week after it started a series of huge explosions. In an interactive map, Reuters Graphics chart the latest developments as Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, spews lava into residential areas on Hawaii’s Big Island.

Trump said that three Americans detained by North Korea are on their way home with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

A Myanmar policeman now serving a prison sentence gave more details to a court today about how he says two Reuters reporters were framed by police in what has become a landmark press freedom case for the Southeast Asian nation.


Two @Reuters journalists have been detained in Myanmar for 149 days. See full coverage: https://reut.rs/2FYIsNE

12:00 PM - 9 May, 2018

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