
Monday Morning Briefing: Worst flooding yet to come for waterlogged Carolinas


Storm Florence drenched North Carolina with more downpours, cutting off the coastal city of Wilmington, damaging tens of thousands of homes and threatening worse flooding as rivers fill to the bursting point.

A woman who had anonymously accused Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual misconduct in the early 1980s went public, prompting Republicans to plan further discussions about his nomination before a committee vote this week.

Exclusive: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has nearly doubled promotions of top American diplomats as he seeks to restore diplomatic ties with a workforce alienated by his predecessor, Rex Tillerson.


The financial hub of Hong Kong began clearing up after being battered by one of the strongest typhoons in recent years, with financial markets and offices operating as normal.

Prime Minister Theresa May cautioned rebels in her party that unless they support her potential Brexit deal with the EU then they will face a potentially disorderly “no-deal” exit that the IMF said would make the United Kingdom significantly poorer.

The U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear deal struck between Iran and major powers is “doomed” to seriously affect peace and security in the Middle East, Iran’s atomic chief said.

Commentary: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s increasingly confident authoritarianism has plunged the EU into an existential crisis. But French President Emmanuel Macron’s plan for restructuring the union offers a viable path forward. Macron’s proposed “Europe of concentric circles” would accommodate “those countries that see the Union as an embryo state, and those which see it as a free trade arrangement with better inter-state cooperation on selected issues,” columnist John Lloyd writes.

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Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, two @Reuters journalists, have been imprisoned in Myanmar since Dec. 12, 2017. Follow the case: https://reut.rs/2Ovmozr

6:58 AM - Sep 17, 2018


EU regulators to rule on Disney's $71 billion bid for Fox assets by October 19

EU antitrust regulators have set an Oct. 19 deadline for their ruling on Walt Disney’s $71.3 billion bid for Twenty-First Century Fox’s entertainment assets, the European Commission said.

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EU antitrust ruling on Microsoft purchase of GitHub due by October 19

EU antitrust regulators will decide by Oct. 19 whether to clear U.S. software giant Microsoft’s $7.5 billion acquisition of privately held coding website GitHub.

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Musk says Tesla now in 'delivery logistics hell'

Tesla's Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk acknowledged that the electric carmaker’s problems have now shifted to delivery logistics from production delays, the latest speed bump in its efforts to achieve profitability.

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How JPMorgan's CFO became the top prospect to succeed Dimon

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