
Tuesday Morning Briefing: A million told to fee as Hurricane Florence bears down


More than 1.5 million people were ordered to evacuate their homes along the U.S. Atlantic coast as Hurricane Florence, a Category 4 storm and the most powerful to menace the Carolinas in nearly three decades, barreled in today.

The governor of the Northern Mariana Islands has urged U.S. President Trump to declare a state of emergency as a typhoon struck the Western Pacific territories overnight and caused blackouts and damaged buildings.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis had to do some elaborate diplomatic two-steps during their recent swing across the Indian subcontinent, writes David A. Andelman, a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times and CBS News. Trump must recognize that getting his way across the subcontinent could bring down a fragile edifice, one that has been propped up by delicate presidential balancing acts since the days of the Truman administration.


New Hampshire voters today pick candidates for a congressional seat that in this decade has flipped four times between the two parties - and the same two people - in the latest test of the rising appeal of women nominees.

In the latest installments in a series reflecting on the 10 year anniversary of the financial crisis, Special Correspondent Noah Barkin examines how the crash reshaped the global political landscape and a Breakingviews column looks back at the legacy of ultralow interest rates and what the Federal Reserve has accomplished.


Russia began its biggest war games since the fall of the Soviet Union today close to its border with China, mobilising 300,000 troops in a show of force that will include joint exercises with the Chinese army. Russian President Vladimir Putin told Chinese President Xi Jinping that Moscow and Beijing’s relations were based on trust in areas ranging from politics to security and defense.

China will ask the World Trade Organization next week for permission to impose sanctions on the United States, for Washington’s non-compliance with a ruling in a dispute over U.S. dumping duties, a meeting agenda showed today.

President Trump received a “very warm, very positive” letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un asking for a second meeting, which the White House is looking at scheduling.

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Two @Reuters journalists have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 274 days. See full coverage: https://reut.rs/2CHR92D

8:39 AM - September 11, 2018


As of Sunday, 30,542 people have been displaced from northwest #Syria, moving to different areas across #Idlib, according to the U.N, since #Russia-n and Syrian warplanes resumed their bombing campaign last week https://reut.rs/2N8oh8J

4:31 AM - September 10, 2018


Brexit cheer provides relief as world stocks hit by trade strain

Hopes of a UK-EU deal over Brexit kept the British pound near five-week highs on Tuesday, helping lighten the mood in Europe even though the ongoing trade dispute between Washington and Beijing kept world stocks trading just off three-week lows.

5 min read

Las Vegas is booming again, and bracing itself for next slump

Few cities were hit as hard as Las Vegas by the 2008 financial crisis and recession, which eroded consumer spending on the sort of fast thrills the city had to offer and left it with the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Now the city is on the road to recovery, but is bracing for the next bust.

7 Min Read

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