
Thursday Morning Briefing: 'Go away Florence' - hurricane creeps toward U.S. coast


Hurricane Florence crept closer to the U.S. East Coast, packing tropical storm-force winds across hundreds of miles that threaten the region with potentially catastrophic flooding and torrential rain.

A message is posted on a boarded up building before the arrival of Hurricane Florence on Oak Island, North Carolina, U.S., September 12, 2018. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

The U.S. Army is mobilizing to find and fix lead hazards in housing on bases across the country and around the world, after a Reuters investigation last month unearthed dangers lurking in base homes, lapses in military oversight, and a code of silence keeping families at risk.

Federal Reserve officials tout a decade of falling unemployment as among their major victories in fighting the economic crisis of 2007 to 2009. Now they are beginning to worry they have been too successful.

Democratic voters in New York will decide today whether Governor Andrew Cuomo deserves a third term or should be replaced by actress and activist Cynthia Nixon, a first-time candidate mounting a challenge from the left.


“My thought sitting there was that it was a show fit for a god,” a tourist told Reuters as he watched the “Mass Games” in Pyongyang. A sobering reminder of the power of the state in North Korea, however, was the realisation that many of the thousands of performers on the field were young children.

China welcomed an invitation by the United States to hold a new round of trade talks, as Washington prepares to further escalate the U.S.-China trade war with tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

Myanmar government leader Aung San Suu Kyi aid two jailed Reuters journalists can appeal their seven-year sentence, and that their jailing had nothing to do with freedom of expression. Read more on their case here.

Sponsored by IBM: Build your AI foundation. Learn how to implement the techniques and technologies associated with AI and machine learning, and unlock the massive potential of your data. Read the report.


"Oslo is dead.” “It was a 100 percent surrender.” "We will make peace.” “They won, the extremists." Twenty-five years on from Oslo, opinions are still divided. https://reut.rs/2N8yT7u

5:02 AM - September 13, 2018


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