
Technology Report: FCC proposes broadcast airwaves for wireless use

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Good afternoon Bit, TUE 30 Nov 2010 
FCC proposes broadcast airwaves for wireless use
EU launches Google investigation after complaints
Google nears deal to buy Groupon: reports
GM hiring to push electric effort beyond Volt
RIM shares jump on positive view of new OS
Lowe's to boost online biz, margins initiatives
Microsoft eyes leap back into TV: sources
News Corp weighs MySpace options
Sony sells 4.1 million Move systems
UK's Telegraph newspaper says no paywall decision

FCC proposes broadcast airwaves for wireless use
November 30, 2010 01:21 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. telecommunications regulators proposed on Tuesday freeing up more airwaves for wireless services to meet the expanding use of handheld devices.

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EU launches Google investigation after complaints
November 30, 2010 02:30 PM ET
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU regulators opened a formal investigation into Google on Tuesday, putting pressure on the world's top Internet search engine to offer concessions to settle antitrust complaints and avert a lengthy battle like Microsoft.

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Google nears deal to buy Groupon: reports
November 30, 2010 01:10 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc is close to a deal to buy online coupon service Groupon Inc in what could be the Internet giant's biggest acquisition to date, two media reports said on Tuesday, citing unnamed sources.

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GM hiring to push electric effort beyond Volt
November 30, 2010 02:49 PM ET
DETROIT (Reuters) - General Motors Co said on Tuesday it would hire 1,000 engineers and researchers in Michigan over the next two years to develop more electric cars and hybrids as it launched its battery-powered Chevrolet Volt.

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RIM shares jump on positive view of new OS
November 30, 2010 11:52 AM ET
TORONTO (Reuters) - Shares in Research In Motion jumped more than 5 percent on Tuesday morning after an analyst praised its new QNX operating system as flexible, portable and likely to be integrated into its smartphones faster than expected.

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Lowe's to boost online biz, margins initiatives
November 30, 2010 01:24 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Home improvement chain Lowe's Cos laid out a plan to step up its online business as more do-it-yourselfers take the online route to research and buy new home products.

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Microsoft eyes leap back into TV: sources
November 29, 2010 05:24 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is about to jump back into the TV game. Only this time, it may aim at cable, satellite and phone companies.

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News Corp weighs MySpace options
November 29, 2010 08:47 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - News Corp is open to a sale of beleaguered MySpace after a relaunch of the social network as an entertainment site, Chief Operating Officer Chase Carey told Reuters.

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Sony sells 4.1 million Move systems
November 30, 2010 12:57 PM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Sony Corp said on Tuesday that it had sold 4.1 million of its Move motion-sensing game controllers worldwide in the two months since launch, putting it ahead of rival Microsoft Corp's Kinect system as the holiday shopping season takes off.

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UK's Telegraph newspaper says no paywall decision
November 30, 2010 12:32 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Telegraph newspaper said it had made no decision on whether to charge for reading its news online, after a Financial Times report said it was drawing up plans to put up a so-called paywall next year.

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