
Technology Report: Groupon COO jumps ship after 5 months

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There's a new video streaming service on the block and it comes courtesy of an old, familiar name - Blockbuster. Blockbuster unveiled the video streaming service to subscribers of satellite provider Dish Network, which now owns Blockbuster, in a move to better compete against video rental giant Netflix and to lure customers from rival cable and satellite TV providers. Non-Dish subscribers will have to wait until Blockbuster launches a broader online streaming plan later this year, the company's president told Reuters.

Called Blockbuster Movie Pass, the subscription service will start at $10 a month and includes DVD rentals by mail and at the company's more than 1,500 stores. The service will offer up a selection of more than 3,000 movies streamed to televisions and 4,000 movies streamed to computers. The mail and store rentals include video games. Mail plus streaming with Netflix starts at about $16 a month. Will Blockbuster's service be enough to threaten Netflix? Not a chance, argues CNET's Roger Cheng. "Essentially, it's a souped up Dish package," writes Cheng. " We were looking for something radically different from Dish, but we got an incremental new service plan instead."

Amazon's long-awaited tablet could be on its way soon. At least that's the speculation that began floating around tech circles on Friday after the company announced plans to hold a press conference next Wednesday. Amazon declined to provide further details, but analysts were confident that the world's largest Internet retailer will introduce its long-awaited tablet computer this year to expand in mobile commerce and sell more digital goods and services.

In other Amazon news, the company won another round in the patent fight over its "one-click" purchasing system as an appeals court ruled on Friday that it did not infringe technology patented by Cordance Corp. Separately, a peace treaty between California's government and Amazon became official on Friday with Governor Jerry Brown's signature on legislation striking a compromise between the two sides on taxing online sales.

Groupon's chief operating officer is leaving to join Google five months after joining the company, and ahead of a highly-anticipated initial public offering. Groupon said on its official blog on Friday that Margo Georgiadis was leaving the daily deals company to take a job as President of Google's Americas business.
Groupon COO jumps ship after 5 months
September 23, 2011 05:58 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Groupon's chief operating officer is leaving to join Google Inc five months after joining the company, and ahead of a highly-anticipated initial public offering. | Full Article
Blockbuster offers streaming for Dish customers
September 23, 2011 04:55 PM ET
(Reuters) - Blockbuster unveiled a video streaming service limited to subscribers of satellite provider Dish Network, a move to better compete against video rental giant Netflix Inc and to lure customers from rival cable and satellite TV providers. | Full Article
After Facebook event, a dot-com boom-scaled party
September 23, 2011 04:43 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When somebody who has been played by Justin Timberlake in a Hollywood movie decides to throw a party, the expectations are pretty high. | Full Article
Amazon expected to unveil tablet next week
September 23, 2011 05:13 PM ET
(Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc, which revolutionized reading with its Kindle e-reader, is expected to unveil a tablet computer next week that analysts say will seriously challenge Apple's market dominating iPad. | Full Article
U.S. Internet rules to take effect November 20
September 23, 2011 04:28 PM ET
(Reuters) - Long-delayed U.S. Internet rules that tackle the controversial issue of balancing consumer and content provider interests against those who sell access to the Web will take effect November 20. | Full Article
Wall Street stabilizes after disastrous week
September 23, 2011 04:36 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Dow Jones industrial average on Friday suffered its worst week since the depths of the financial crisis in 2008, stung by severe anxiety over Europe's spiraling debt crisis and a warning from the Federal Reserved about the U.S. economy. | Full Article
Europe hastens to build up debt crisis defenses
September 23, 2011 06:02 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - European policymakers are quickening their preparations to cope with an escalation of the region's debt crisis as talk of a possible Greek default gained pace on Friday. | Full Article
BofA sued by shareholder over $10 billion AIG loss
September 23, 2011 05:59 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Bank of America Corp shareholder sued the bank on Friday for what he said was a failure to disclose it potentially owes more than $10 billion to American International Group Inc in connection with mortgage-backed securities. | Full Article
Icahn drops push to unseat Clorox board
September 23, 2011 05:06 PM ET
(Reuters) - Billionaire investor Carl Icahn withdrew his slate of nominees for Clorox Co's board, saying many of the bleach maker's shareholders would not support his effort to unseat the board and may not think it is the right time to sell the company. | Full Article
Credit reporting firm TransUnion for sale: sources
September 23, 2011 05:49 PM ET
(Reuters) - TransUnion's owners are pursuing a possible sale that could fetch roughly $2 billion for the credit information firm, sources familiar with the matter said. | Full Article
Congress delays budget fight until Monday
Gold slumps record $100; stocks edge up
Abbas stakes Palestinian claim to state at U.N.
Greece says not seeking new way out of crisis
Bill Gates backs financial transaction tax to aid poor
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