
Technology Report: HP named Whitman CEO, Apotheker out

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Facebook unveiled new features that center on the way users listen to music and watch TV, offering tie-ups with the likes of Spotify and Hulu, as it attempts to make media an integral part of its service. The features, which also include ways for users to spiff up profiles in a magazine, photo-heavy style, were introduced on Thursday during Facebook's annual f8 developers' conference in San Francisco by Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg.

For Facebook, a deeper integration of music, movies and other media into its service makes it more likely that users will spend more time on its site, enabling the company to generate more advertising dollars.

Serial entrepreneur and Stanford professor Steve Blank believes the moves by the world's dominant social network are more of a threat to Apple than to Google.

Yahoo also debuted a new service on Thursday that lets its users share Yahoo news articles they and their Facebook friends have read, according to NYT's Bits blog.

Hewlett-Packard Co named former eBay Inc Chief Executive Meg Whitman as its new president and CEO, replacing unpopular leader Leo Apotheker at the helm of the largest U.S. technology company.

Reuters reporters Poornima Gupta and Peter Henderson argue it's easy to blame Apotheker for HP's troubles, but "experts paint a picture of an ever-changing roster of board directors who lacked a good grasp of the company's fundamentals and vacillated over what its business should be."

Full Tilt Poker is upping the ante in its high-stakes fight with the U.S. Justice Department, decrying the government's assertion that it operated as a "Ponzi scheme," according to the WSJ.
HP named Whitman CEO, Apotheker out
September 22, 2011 04:31 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hewlett-Packard Co named former eBay Inc Chief Executive Meg Whitman as its new president and CEO, replacing unpopular leader Leo Apotheker at the helm of the largest U.S. technology company. | Full Article
Competitors circle around as Netflix stumbles
September 22, 2011 03:57 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Missteps by Netflix Inc have opened the door to competitors to grab disgruntled customers looking for new options for video rentals and instant online streaming. | Full Article
Text, video messaging eyed for emergency calls
September 22, 2011 04:55 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Communications regulators urged adoption of new technologies that would allow people needing emergency help to send text, photos and video messages to police and rescue dispatchers. | Full Article
Insight: How HP's board presided over a train wreck
September 22, 2011 01:36 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - To fire one CEO, or even two, may be regarded as misfortune; to fire three looks like carelessness. | Full Article
Market's 3 percent fall suggests deepening worry
September 22, 2011 05:04 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks plunged on Thursday, extending a selloff to four days, as policymakers' failure to arrest global economic stagnation sent markets spiraling downward. | Full Article
Stocks, commodities dive on recession fears
September 22, 2011 04:33 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - World stocks fell to 13-month lows and commodities tumbled on Thursday as weak data from China crystallized investor fears of a global recession one day after a grim economic outlook from the Federal Reserve. | Full Article
Jobless claims fall but recession still feared
September 22, 2011 02:26 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans filed fewer new claims for jobless benefits last week but the decline was not enough to dispel worries the economy was dangerously close to falling into a new recession. | Full Article
Warnings mount on euro crisis, BRICS mull more aid
September 22, 2011 03:52 PM ET
WASHINGTON/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - World leaders and finance chiefs demanded Europe act decisively to quell its debt crisis and big emerging economies said they would consider providing more money to help prevent the chaos from spreading. | Full Article
Europe set to move up bank recapitalization plans: report
September 22, 2011 02:59 PM ET
(Reuters) - European officials look set to speed up plans to recapitalize the 16 banks that came close to failing last summer's pan-EU stress tests, the Financial Times reported on Thursday, citing European officials. | Full Article
Failed bill spotlights dysfunction in Congress
September 22, 2011 05:06 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders scrambled on Thursday to find the votes to keep the government funded after the embarrassing defeat of a spending bill threw into question Congress' ability to pass basic laws. | Full Article
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Sparks fly as U.S. and Pakistan spar over Afghan bloodshed
Private sector slowdown heightens recession fears
Murdoch paper hacked minister's voice mail: sources
Boy finds 30-year-old human fingers in jar
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