
Technology Report: Schmidt says Google has not "cooked" search results

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News Good afternoon Bit
A change could be underway at the top at Hewlett-Packard. The company's board convened on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of ousting CEO Leo Apotheker after less than a year on the job and may appoint former eBay chief Meg Whitman to fill in as interim CEO, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. HP's board of directors has come under increasing pressure in recent months after a raft of controversial decisions has left investors uncertain of the company's leadership.

Newly minted Apple CEO Tim Cook will try his hand as star presenter at an October 4 company event widely expected to include the launch of the latest version of the tech behemoth's iPhone handset, according to a report on AllThingD. Sources told the website that the plan is to make the iPhone 5 available to consumers within weeks of the event. Apple has yet to officially announce or even acknowledge that the new device exists at all. For those tired of yet another story about a rumored release date, there was something akin to a confirmation on Wednesday from an unlikely source: former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. Gore, an Apple board member, apparently told a tech conference that the next-generation phone will indeed be available next month. Oops?!

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt traveled to Washington on Wednesday to face critics who say his company has become a dominant and potentially anti-competitive force on the Internet. Schmidt told a Senate antitrust hearing that his company has not "cooked" its search results to favor its own products and listings, despite accusations to the contrary from senators and other Web companies. "Google is in a position to determine who will succeed and who will fail on the Internet," said Republican Senator Mike Lee, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee's antitrust panel. Google has been broadly accused of using its clout in the search market to stomp rivals as it moves into related businesses, like travel search.

Dust your library cards off, Kindle users. Amazon announced on Wednesday its Kindle ebooks will now be available for borrowing from more than 11,000 libraries across the U.S. Borrowing a book seems pretty simple: customers find the book they want on their local library's website and choose the "Send to Kindle" option, which will then redirect them to Amazon.com where they must log in to complete the check out. Amazon then gives customers the option of delivering the book wirelessly to their device of choice – the books are compatible with all Kindle models and mobile apps - or transferring it manually using a USB drive.

Netflix and Discovery Communications reached an agreement to bring episodes of popular TV adventure shows including "Man vs. Wild" and "River Monsters" to the streaming service, the companies confirmed to Reuters correspondent Paul Thomasch on Wednesday. The two-year deal covers only material from prior seasons of the TV shows and is limited to Netflix subscribers in the United States. Discovery has an option for a third year.
Schmidt says Google has not "cooked" search results
September 21, 2011 04:33 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Google Inc has not "cooked" its search results to favor its own products and listings, Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt told a Senate hearing examining if the search giant abuses its power. | Full Article
Full Tilt Poker rejects Ponzi allegations: lawyer
September 21, 2011 03:59 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A lawyer for Full Tilt Poker rejected on Wednesday allegations made by federal prosecutors that the company and its board of directors operated the company as a global Ponzi scheme. | Full Article
Netflix, Discovery in streaming deal for TV shows
September 21, 2011 02:14 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Netflix Inc and Discovery Communications Inc reached an agreement to bring episodes of popular TV adventure shows including "Man vs. Wild" and "River Monsters" to the streaming service, the companies confirmed on Wednesday. | Full Article
Google spurns Oracle $2.2 billion Android damage claim
September 21, 2011 04:45 PM ET
(Reuters) - Google Inc urged a federal judge to reject an Oracle Corp expert's recommendation that it pay more than $2.2 billion for infringing patents for Java technology used in the Android operating system. | Full Article
Wall Street sinks after Fed statement cites "risks"
September 21, 2011 04:44 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks tumbled on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve said there were "significant downside risks" to the economy even as it took another stab at boosting growth. | Full Article
Fed warns of big economic risks, ramps up aid
September 21, 2011 05:04 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve on Wednesday moved to counter what it said were significant risks to the U.S. economy with an effort to lower long-term borrowing costs and bolster housing. | Full Article
Existing home sales up but price outlook grim
September 21, 2011 04:51 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Existing home sales rose in August to their highest in five months as lower prices and rock-bottom interest rates drew more buyers into a still moribund market. | Full Article
Analysis: Fed's twist moves hurts company pension plans
September 21, 2011 04:58 PM ET
BOSTON (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's 'Operation Twist' to bring down bond yields and stimulate the economy is likely to cause pain for the nation's largest pension funds, already struggling with funding shortfalls from the recent stock market decline. | Full Article
Convicted trader Goffer handed 10-year sentence
September 21, 2011 04:36 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former securities trader was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Wednesday after being found guilty of insider trading as part of the government's campaign against financial crimes on Wall Street. | Full Article
Greece announces new austerity, unions vow strikes
September 21, 2011 03:51 PM ET
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece said it would deepen pension cuts, extend a painful property tax hike and put tens of thousands of workers on notice on Wednesday to secure a new injection of aid and save the country from bankruptcy. | Full Article
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Republicans Perry, Romney prepare for long battle
Obama tries to derail Palestinian U.N. statehood bid
Execution exposes divide over death penalty
$16 muffins, $8 coffee served in U.S. Justice audit
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