
Morning Digest: France, Germany to push crisis plan

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News Good Morning Bit
France, Germany to push crisis plan
MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) - France and Germany planned to lobby conservative European leaders on Thursday to back a plan to defuse the euro zone's debt crisis, as Europe's central bankers began a crucial meeting hours before a high-stakes EU summit. | Full Article
Putin says U.S. stoked Russian protests
December 08, 2011 06:04 AM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States on Thursday of stirring up protests against his 12-year rule and said foreign countries were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence Russian elections. | Full Article
Futures signal early dip
December 08, 2011 06:00 AM ET
(Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a dip at the open on Wall Street on Thursday, with futures for the S&P 500 down 0.16 percent, Dow Jones down 0.17 percent and Nasdaq 100 down 0.06 percent at 5:30 a.m. ET. | Full Article
Newspaper companies put their money where the clicks are
December 07, 2011 03:34 PM ET
(Reuters) - Media companies McClatchy Co and Media General Inc, which are seeing their focus on online content starting to pay off, are speeding up their investments in digital media. | Full Article
NASA catalogs thousands of asteroids near Earth
December 07, 2011 07:15 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - About 1,000 asteroids big enough to cause catastrophic damage if they hit Earth are orbiting relatively nearby, a NASA survey shows. | Full Article
Marlins make another splash with Buehrle deal
December 07, 2011 07:46 PM ET
MIAMI (Reuters) - The Miami Marlins made their third major free-agency signing of the offseason by agreeing to terms on a four-year, $58 million deal with four-time All-Star pitcher Mark Buehrle, MLB.com reported on Wednesday. | Full Article
Book Talk: Sheen "nourished" by narrating Dalai Lama's book
December 08, 2011 05:04 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - For more than 40 years actor Martin Sheen has inhabited complex characters from the troubled Capt. Willard in the Vietnam film "Apocalypse Now" to U.S. President Josiah Bartlet on the hit TV drama "The West Wing." | Full Article
Cannonball hits home in "MythBusters" TV shoot
December 07, 2011 02:44 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A cannonball shot during an experiment gone awry on the television show "MythBusters" crashed into a home in Northern California, but no one was injured, the company behind the program said on Wednesday. | Full Article
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Withdrawal from Taiz

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Deutsche Bank on security watch

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Handover in Anbar

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