
Technology Report: Analysis: Relaxed U.S. securities laws could boost SecondMarket

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News Good afternoon Bit
Oracle shares plummeted on Wednesday, a day after its results fell short of expectations, dragging down the tech sector as investors feared the rare miss was a sign corporate America may be pulling back on tech spending.

More troubling news for the tech sector as Nokia's long-awaited Windows phones may be too little, too late in the smartphone war dominated by Apple and Google, despite positive reviews by handset critics.

Its first Windows model, the Lumia 800, has won little interest from consumers, with only 2 percent of Europeans in the market for a smartphone saying they would pick it, according to a survey by Exane BNP Paribas.

One of the sectors most recent punching bags actually received some positive news as RIM finally delivered on a promise made by co-founder Mike Lazaridis. The widely popular game Angry Birds, where birds destroy the pigs who stole their eggs with the help of a slingshot is finally available on the PlayBook tablet.

Facebook has agreed to improve its privacy policy for hundreds of millions of users after a three-month investigation by Irish authorities at the U.S. group's international headquarters in Dublin.

CNET's Roger Cheng says that even though 2011 was a chaotic year for mobile devices, 2012 promises to be even more exciting.

Finally, the Vatican said an unknown buyer had snapped up the internet address vatican.xxx, a domain combining its name with an extension reserved for pornographic content.

"This domain is not available because it has been acquired by someone else, but not the Vatican," a Vatican spokesman said.
Analysis: Relaxed U.S. securities laws could boost SecondMarket
December 21, 2011 02:26 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Kevin Ryan, chief executive of online retailer Gilt Groupe, is keeping close tabs on congressional legislation that might enable him to have more shareholders in his young company. | Full Article
Wall Street retreats after rally, Oracle sinks Nasdaq
December 21, 2011 02:36 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks declined modestly on Wednesday as equities retreated from recent gains, while weak earnings from Oracle raised concerns about the health of the tech sector, pressuring the group and pushing the Nasdaq down more than 1 percent. | Full Article
BofA's Countrywide to pay $335 million over bias case
December 21, 2011 03:14 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Bank of America Corp's Countrywide Financial unit agreed on Wednesday to pay a record $335 million to settle civil charges that it discriminated against minority homebuyers, a historic settlement for the Obama administration in the wake of the subprime mortgage morass. | Full Article
Fitch reiterates warning on rising U.S. debt burden, AAA rating
December 21, 2011 03:17 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Fitch Ratings on Wednesday reiterated the high and rising U.S. federal and government debt burden was not consistent with keeping its AAA credit rating, but said no decision on whether to cut the top level rating is likely to come before 2013. | Full Article
Exclusive: Italian banks tap 116 billion euros of ECB loans
December 21, 2011 01:39 PM ET
ROME/MILAN (Reuters) - More than a dozen Italian banks, including top lenders UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo , tapped 116 billion euros ($143.52 billion) of new three-year loans offered by the European Central Bank, nearly a quarter of the total, three sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters. | Full Article
Home sales hint at recovery after deep slump
December 21, 2011 02:05 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Home sales rose in November, adding to hints of recovery, but updated data showed the housing crash was much deeper than previously thought. | Full Article
Obama calls Boehner, urges deal on payroll tax
December 21, 2011 02:46 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a bid to end a worsening standoff over extending a tax break for Americans, President Barack Obama urged Republican House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday to pass a short-term extension and return to talks on a year-long deal in the New Year. | Full Article
Exclusive: North Korea's military to share power with Kim's heir
December 21, 2011 08:58 AM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - North Korea will shift to collective rule from a strongman dictatorship after last week's death of Kim Jong-il, although his untested young son will be at the head of the ruling coterie, a source with close ties to Pyongyang and Beijing said. | Full Article
Iraq PM warns Sunnis could be shut from power
December 21, 2011 02:51 PM ET
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority rejected a call for all-party talks on Wednesday, ignoring U.S. pressure for dialogue to resolve a sectarian crisis that has erupted since American forces left the country this week. | Full Article
Banks gorge on ECB loans, market cheer short-lived
December 21, 2011 01:35 PM ET
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Banks gobbled up nearly 490 billion euros in three-year cut-price loans from the European Central Bank on Wednesday, easing immediate fears of a credit crunch but leaving unresolved how much will flow to needy euro zone economies. | Full Article
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