
Morning Digest: China accuses Bo Xilai of multiple crimes

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China accuses Bo Xilai of multiple crimes
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party on Friday expelled disgraced senior politician Bo Xilai from top party positions and said it would hand him over for criminal investigation accused of multiples crimes, opening a new phase in a scandal that has shaken a leadership succession..
China sets leadership succession congress for November 8
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party will hold a congress to appoint a new generation of central leaders from November 8, the official Xinhua news agency said on Friday, citing the decision of a Politburo meeting..
Stock index futures point slightly higher
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a fractionally higher open on Wall Street on Friday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 all up 0.1 percent at 0754 GMT..
Whitney Houston's legacy to be celebrated in Grammy salute
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Whitney Houston will be remembered in a star-studded Grammy televised concert as well the release of a greatest hits album and a television reality series following the singer's family as they cope with her sudden death..
Ravens hold on to beat Browns as refs return
(Reuters) - The Baltimore Ravens heaped more early season misery on the Cleveland Browns with a 23-16 win on Thursday as the NFL's regular referees returned to action following a damaging months-long lockout..
U.S. and Russian experts turn up volume on cybersecurity alarms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Uncontrolled security threats on the Internet could return much of the planet to an era without electricity or automated transportation, top U.S. and Russian experts said on Thursday..
Mars rover finds first evidence of water: a river of it
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, dispatched to learn if the most Earth-like planet in the solar system was suitable for microbial life, has found clear evidence its landing site was once awash in water, a key ingredient for life, scientists said Thursday..
U.N. chief duped by prank call from fake Canadian PM
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A pair of Canadian radio comedians said on Thursday it took them less than an hour to get U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the phone during international diplomacy's busiest week - by pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper..
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