
Morning Digest: Egyptians clash with police barring way to U.S. embassy

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Egyptians clash with police barring way to U.S. embassy
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptians angry at a film they said was blasphemous to Islam on Friday hurled stones at a line of police in Cairo blocking the route to the U.S. embassy, where demonstrators climbed the walls and tore down the American flag earlier this week..
U.S. embassies attacked in Yemen, Egypt after Libya envoy killed
SANAA/CAIRO (Reuters) - Demonstrators attacked the U.S. embassies in Yemen and Egypt on Thursday in protest at a film they consider blasphemous to Islam, and the United States sent warships toward Libya, where the U.S. ambassador was killed in related violence this week..
Stock index futures signal further gains
PARIS (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a higher open on Wall Street on Friday, after surging to multi-year highs on Thursday after the Federal Reserve announced an aggressive plan to stimulate the economy, encouraging investors to dive back into the market..
London Fashion Week runs last leg in Great British relay
LONDON (Reuters) - London fashion designers take up the baton for Britain on Friday, strutting the global stage in a capital city that has already captivated millions around the world with the Olympics, Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubilee and last year's royal wedding..
New York Yankees beat Boston, tied again with Baltimore
(Reuters) - The New York Yankees have responded to Baltimore's extra-innings win over Tampa Bay to rejoin the Orioles on top of the American League East with a 2-0 victory over the Boston Red Sox on Thursday..
Libya attack victim was a key player in online game
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Online gamers around the world took to the web on Wednesday to mourn the death of Sean Smith, an avid gamer who was one of four Americans killed in a U.S. consulate attack in Libya..
NASA's Mars rover ready to "drive, drive, drive"
PASADENA, California (Reuters) - The Mars rover Curiosity was due to wrap up an exhaustive, weeks-long instrument check on Thursday, clearing the way for its first lengthy drive to determine whether the Red Planet has ever been hospitable to life, NASA officials said..
Deaf gerbils hear again with human stem cells
LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have restored hearing to deaf gerbils using human embryonic stem cells in an advance that could eventually help people with an intractable form of deafness caused by nerve damage..
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