
Morning Digest: Yemeni protesters storm U.S. embassy in Sanaa: witnesses

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Yemeni protesters storm U.S. embassy in Sanaa: witnesses
DUBAI (Reuters) - Hundreds of Yemeni demonstrators stormed the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Thursday in protest at a film they consider blasphemous to Islam, and security guards tried to hold them off by firing into the air..
Obama vows to "bring to justice" ambassador's killers
WASHINGTON/BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed on Wednesday to "bring to justice" the Islamist gunmen responsible for a ferocious assault that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans - an attack that may have been organized in advance..
Stock futures signal weaker open, Fed awaited
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a weaker open on Wall Street on Thursday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 down 0.2 to 0.3 percent..
Bob Dylan says plagiarism charges made by "wussies and pussies"
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bob Dylan has angrily responded to charges he plagiarized some of his lyrics, calling critics "wussies and pussies" and saying musical appropriation is "part of the folk tradition.".
Scherzer shines as Tigers claw back White Sox
(Reuters) - Starter Max Scherzer was dominant early and the Detroit batters backed him up in the latter stages as the Tigers ate into Chicago's American League Central lead with an 8-6 victory over the White Sox on Wednesday..
Libya attack victim was a key player in online game
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Online gamers around the world took to the web on Wednesday to mourn the death of Sean Smith, an avid gamer who was one of four Americans killed in a U.S. consulate attack in Libya..
Science helps Spain's natural cork industry pop back
(Reuters) - For three generations Antonio Gorgot's family have carried axes into the mountainous forests of northern Spain to cut slabs of bark off their cork oaks. A few years ago their livelihood was under threat as the cork business lost its buoyancy..
Deaf gerbils hear again with human stem cells
LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have restored hearing to deaf gerbils using human embryonic stem cells in an advance that could eventually help people with an intractable form of deafness caused by nerve damage..
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