
Morning Digest: Fire engulfs Kenya's Nairobi airport

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Fire engulfs Kenya's Nairobi airport
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A fire engulfed Kenya's main airport on Wednesday forcing the closure of a vital travel and trade gateway to east Africa..
Syrian army kills 62 rebels east of Damascus
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Sixty-two rebel fighters were killed in a Syrian army ambush at dawn on Wednesday near the town of Adra, east of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group opposed to President Bashar al-Assad, said..
Fed tapering prospects spark share selloff, dollar dips
LONDON (Reuters) - Signs the U.S. Federal Reserve might trim its stimulus program as soon as next month sparked a broad selloff in world share markets on Wednesday, as Britain's central bank prepared to clarify its stance on future policy..
Downton Abbey draws 'handsome' new men for Matthew-less Season four
BEVERLY HILLS, California (Reuters) - It is hard to say who will grieve more for Matthew Crawley when the next season of the wildly popular television show "Downton Abbey" airs: his on-screen widow Lady Mary or the legions of fans of the show..
Yankees stand by Rodriguez
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York Yankees have pledged to stand by embattled slugger Alex Rodriguez while he fights his 211-game suspension for alleged doping offences..
Nielsen study links Twitter chatter with TV ratings
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A frenzy of Twitter chatter about a broadcast program generally means more viewers are tuning in, while more popular TV shows generate more Twitter activity, a new study by Nielsen has found..
First taste of test-tube burger declared 'close to meat'
LONDON (Reuters) - The world's first laboratory-grown beef burger was flipped out of a petri dish and into a frying pan on Monday, with food tasters declaring it tasted "close to meat"..
U.S. skydiver frees himself from locked box, lands safely
CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. daredevil Anthony Martin escaped Tuesday from a locked box dropped from an airplane at 14,500 feet after freeing himself from handcuffs and picking the lock in under a minute..
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