
Morning Digest: Gunmen kill 24 Egyptian police in Sinai ambush

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Gunmen kill 24 Egyptian police in Sinai ambush
CAIRO (Reuters) - Suspected Islamist militants killed at least 24 Egyptian policemen on Monday in the Sinai peninsula, where attacks on security forces have multiplied since the army overthrew President Mohamed Mursi on July 3..
Lawyer expects Egypt's Mubarak to be freed this week
CAIRO (Reuters) - Hosni Mubarak, the former Egyptian president overthrown in an uprising in 2011, will be released from jail in the next 48 hours after a prosecutor cleared him in a corruption case, his lawyer Fareed El-Deeb told Reuters on Monday..
Core debt yields rise, knocking emerging markets
LONDON (Reuters) - Rising expectations the Federal Reserve will soon scale back its stimulus drove German and U.S. bond yields to multi-month highs on Monday and dealt a blow to emerging markets, with India's rupee cartwheeling to historic lows..
For 'Biggest Loser' trainer, diet trumps exercise in weight loss
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Celebrity trainer Bob Harper, of the weight-loss TV show "The Biggest Loser," has built a career putting very obese people through some grueling fitness paces but if he's learned anything from the experience, it's that diet trumps exercise every time..
Pistorius weeps in court as murder trial set for March 2014
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African Olympic and Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius, accused of murdering his model girlfriend, prayed and wiped away tears in a court hearing on Monday which set a March 3, 2014 start date for his trial..
Sony nears deal with Viacom for new Internet TV service: WSJ
(Reuters) - Sony Corp is close to striking a deal to secure content from media company Viacom for a new Internet-based TV service, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday..
NASA calls off attempts to fix Kepler space telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - The Kepler space telescope's planet-hunting days are over because its broken positioning system cannot be fixed, NASA officials said on Thursday..
Ohio man finds load of marijuana stashed in gun safe
TOLEDO, Ohio (Reuters) - A man in western Ohio found nearly 300 pounds of marijuana stuffed into a Mexican-made gun-storage safe that he recently purchased on the Internet, authorities revealed on Sunday..
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