
Morning Digest: U.N. pushes Syria for chemical probe, activists send samples

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U.N. pushes Syria for chemical probe, activists send samples
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The United Nations stepped up demands on Syria for access to rebel-held Damascus suburbs hit by an apparent poison gas attack as activists sought to smuggle samples from victims to U.N. chemical weapons inspectors..
Britain operates secret monitoring station in Middle East: report
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain runs a secret monitoring station in the Middle East to intercept large numbers of telephone calls, emails and internet traffic that it shares with intelligence agencies in the United States, the Independent newspaper reported on Friday..
Emerging market rout eases as data lifts growth hopes
LONDON (Reuters) - The rout in emerging markets eased on Friday and world shares headed for a second day of gains, as data suggesting the global economy is improving took the edge off concerns about the impact of a cut in U.S. monetary stimulus..
Ben Affleck to play Batman in 'Man of Steel' sequel
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Ben Affleck will play Batman in an upcoming Superman sequel that will see the two caped crusaders face off against each other, film studio Warner Bros Pictures said on Thursday..
Woods in hunt as Stadler leads rain-hit Barclays
JERSEY CITY, New Jersey (Reuters) - Unheralded American Kevin Stadler shined in the gloom of a storm-hit day, shooting a seven-under 64 to emerge the surprise clubhouse leader after the opening round of the Barclays tournament on Thursday..
Ex-Soviet hackers play outsized role in cyber crime world
MOSCOW (Reuters) - If you want to hack a phone, order a cyber attack on a competitor's website or buy a Trojan program to steal banking information, look no further than the former Soviet Union..
Sliced and diced, digitally: autopsy as a service
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Malaysian entrepreneur Matt Chandran wants to revive the moribund post-mortem by replacing the scalpel with a scanner and the autopsy slab with a touchscreen computer..
Illegal rooftop temple prompts unholy ire in Chinese city
(Reuters) - An elaborate temple-like structure perched on an apartment block in southeastern China is an illegal hazard that should be torn down, residents say. But they may not be as lucky as opponents of a lavish rooftop villa in Beijing..
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