
Morning Digest: Mugabe party claims Zimbabwe election win, rival cries foul

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Mugabe party claims Zimbabwe election win, rival cries foul
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's party claimed a landslide election victory on Thursday that would secure another five years in power for Africa's oldest head of state, but its main rival said the vote was invalidated by "monumental fraud"..
Spain's Rajoy says he was wrong to trust treasurer in party funding scandal
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy acknowledged on Thursday he made a mistake in his handling of a major corruption scandal in the ruling centre-right People's Party, but vigorously denied he or other party leaders had received illegal payments..
Central bank support, growth signs lift shares, oil
LONDON (Reuters) - World shares and oil rose on Thursday as signs of modest growth in the global economy raised the likelihood that major central banks will stick with policies aimed at supporting the recovery..
Wagner birthday "Ring" booed: will clan go up in smoke?
BAYREUTH, Germany (Reuters) - Richard Wagner made hand grenades for the 1849 Dresden uprising, so maybe he would have cheered the tumultuous end of his 200th birthday "Ring" cycle in Bayreuth, a production that has raised questions over his heirs running the festival..
IOC to introduce entourage doping sanctions: Bubka
LONDON (Reuters) - International Olympic Committee presidential candidate Sergei Bubka expects the body to approve sanctions for doping offences by athletes' entourages at a meeting of their executive board in August..
H&M joins battle for U.S. e-shoppers
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Budget fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz launched an e-commerce operation in the United States on Thursday, taking on rivals in the world's biggest online market..
Mothballed NASA telescope may get new life as asteroid hunter
(Reuters) - NASA is considering re-activating a mothballed space telescope to help find asteroids that could be on a collision course with Earth, according to a senior U.S. space agency official..
For $50,000, a floating hotel room in Denver's skyline is yours
DENVER (Reuters) - If being a mile above sea level is not high enough for visitors to Denver, guests at one hotel can pay a cool $50,000 to get an additional 22-foot (7-meter) boost in an inflatable room hoisted into the downtown skyline..
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